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Not starting - Both games require platform update. Switch to opengl instead:-

Turok 2 - shortcut --> right click --> properties --> target line --> add to the end without quotes " +r_rhirenderfamily opengl"

Turok 1 - open notepad. write in:-

bind tab "automap"
bind enter "*menu_select"
bind escape "menu_activate"
bind space "jump"
bind 0 "weapon 9"
bind 1 "weapon 0"
bind 2 "weapon 1"
bind 3 "weapon 2"
bind 4 "weapon 3"
bind 5 "weapon 4"
bind 6 "weapon 5"
bind 7 "weapon 6"
bind 8 "weapon 7"
bind 9 "weapon 8"
bind a "strafeleft"
bind d "straferight"
bind e "+weapnext"
bind q "+weapprev"
bind s "backward"
bind w "forward"
bind x "mapzoomin"
bind z "mapzoomout"
bind f5 "screenshot"
bind right "menu_right"
bind left "menu_left"
bind mouse_left "*menu_select"
bind mouse_left "attack"
bind mouse_wheel_up "+weapnext"
bind mouse_wheel_down "+weapprev"
bind joy_0 "*menu_select"
bind joy_0 "jump"
bind joy_1 "menu_back"
bind joy_1 "*menu_back"
bind joy_2 "automap"
bind joy_6 "menu_activate"
bind joy_9 "+weapprev"
bind joy_10 "+weapnext"
bind joy_11 "menu_up"
bind joy_11 "mapzoomin"
bind joy_12 "menu_down"
bind joy_12 "mapzoomout"
bind joy_13 "menu_left"
bind joy_14 "menu_right"
bind joy_15 "jump"
bind joy_16 "attack"
seta snd_volume "1.000000"
seta snd_musicvolume "1.000000"
seta snd_hardwarereverb "1"
seta snd_lowpassfilter "1"
seta snd_lowpassgain "0.8"
seta snd_lowpasscutofffreq "6833"
seta snd_voicelanguage "0"
seta con_alwaysShowConsole "0"
seta con_showfps "0"
seta con_stickySpeed "500"
seta sys_kpfram "0"
seta cl_maxfps "60"
seta cl_maxlatetics "16"
seta g_showintromovie "1"
seta g_showgameintros "1"
seta g_showplayerdeath "1"
seta g_autoswitchnewweapon "1"
seta g_environmentsounds "1"
seta g_perpolyparticlecollision "0"
seta g_extendeddrawdistance "1"
seta g_headbob "1"
seta g_turnbob "1"
seta g_viewgroundtrack "1"
seta g_underwaterbob "1"
seta g_violencelevel "0"
seta g_altsoundtrack "0"
seta cm_password "2780087250"
seta hud_opacity "255"
seta hud_besttrainingtime "359940"
seta g_language "0"
seta cl_msensitivityx "5"
seta cl_msensitivityy "5"
seta cl_mlookinvert "0"
seta cvarJoyInvertLook "0"
seta cl_mousesmooth "4"
seta cl_joylooksensitivity_x "0.5"
seta cl_joylooksensitivity_y "0.25"
seta cl_joymovesensitivity "1"
seta cl_joystickthreshold "4000"
seta g_showcrosshair "0"
seta g_drawhud "1"
seta g_weaponbobbing "0"
seta developer "0"
seta r_brightness "0.0"
seta r_fxaa "0"
seta r_bloom "1"
seta r_bloomthreshold "0.85"
seta r_bloomalpha "1.0"
seta r_saturation "1"
seta r_saturationpower "1.500000"
seta r_saturation_r "0.030000"
seta r_saturation_g "0.000000"
seta r_saturation_b "0.000000"
seta r_lightscatter "1"
seta r_lightscatterexposure "0.25"
seta r_fov "74.0"
seta r_useocclusionquery "1"
seta r_gridboundocclusionmultiplier "10.0"
seta r_waterplaneocclusionmultiplier "10.0"
seta r_maxocclusionunit "0.01"
seta r_water_refraction "1"
seta r_water_reflection "1"
seta r_simpleactorshadows "1"
seta g_drawweapon "1"
seta r_d3d_compileShaders "0"
seta r_gl_useUniformBuffers "0"
seta r_gl_forcePipelineSync "0"
seta r_maxocclusionunit "0.01"
seta r_rhimaxanisotropic "0"
seta r_rhirenderfamily "opengl"
seta g_dumpmapscripts "0"
seta in_joystick_xaxis "2"
seta in_joystick_xinvert "0"
seta in_joystick_yaxis "1"
seta in_joystick_yinvert "1"
seta in_joystick_strafeaxis "0"
seta in_joystick_strafeinvert "0"
seta in_joystick_lookaxis "3"
seta in_joystick_lookinvert "0"
seta jobs_prioritize "1"
seta jobs_concurrentThreads "-1"
seta in_nojoy "0"
seta in_gamepad ""
seta in_laxisdeadzone "0.25"
seta in_raxisdeadzone "0.25"
seta v_width "1280"
seta v_height "720"
seta v_windowed "1"
seta v_borderless "1"
seta v_refresh "60"
seta v_vsync "1"
seta v_depthsize "24"
seta v_stencilsize "8"
seta v_buffersize "32"
seta v_displaymonitor "0"

save the document as config.cfg. you can rename the file extension from opening a folder --> press alt --> tools --> folder options --> view --> hide file extensions for known files. you need move the file to the game's root directory. if it still doesn't work, when you save the text document save it in another encoding format. asci/utf-8

split screen, Turok 2 - Set player 1 to keyboard and mouse, controllers for subsequent players. find "kexengine.cfg". find value "seta in_gamepad" change to "seta in_gamepad "-""