styggron: Anyway, I just wanted to post that I can't even get the launcher to work UNLESS I am connected to the internet.
a) offline the launcher never start up, no matter how long I wait
b) if I am online my firewall reports run32dll wants to connect to
c) if I allow that to happen the launcher comes up in a second
d) if I disallow it the launcher NEVER comes up.
Thoughts ?
Win 7, 64 bit, 8 gig ram
redrain85: First off, I just wanted to let everyone know that
styggron's issue has nothing to do with the Unofficial Patch, or the Killer App Mod.
This is an old issue in Windows Vista and 7 that can happen with any game, and has to do with the Games Explorer feature that's present in both. This feature was removed starting with Windows 8. (Well, it's technically still there. But disabled.)
Every time you launch a game in Vista or 7, those versions of Windows want to add your game to the
Games Explorer folder. (If they're on a whitelist of sorts, that is. Which TRON 2.0 is.) When they do that, they try to connect to a Microsoft server to download details about the game (thumbnail, date released, any version updates, etc).
If you have a firewall blocking outgoing connections, a game's launcher will hang because Windows won't let it progress until it finishes its attempt to add the game's details to the Games Explorer.
Your two options are: 1) Allow Windows to connect to Microsoft's server, or 2) Disable this behavior.
So if you want to disable this, how do you do it? Well, before I mention the solution, I just want to say: I take no responsibility if this causes any problems. The solution apparently works well and seems to have no ill effects, but try it at your own risk. (This does disable the Games Explorer, however.)
Visit this topic, click "All Replies", and scroll down to the second post by
qwadrwr. You need to run the Command Prompt as an Administrator, and type both these commands:
regsvr32 -u c:\windows\system32\gameux.dll
regsvr32 -u c:\windows\SysWOW64\gameux.dll
This can be undone by typing these commands:
regsvr32 c:\windows\system32\gameux.dll
regsvr32 c:\windows\SysWOW64\gameux.dll
Thank you so much for this.
I do apologise for posting it in here but I tried 5 times to create a thread and it always just hangs, it is a GoG problem that I have been plagued with a long time.
I am surprised this is happening with the GoG version as they are supposed to work offline.
I need to investigate to see what regsrv32 -u does first though :) Thank you for the post, lets hope it works.
Also what I might do is rename the gameux.dll file and see if that does anything.
UPDATE: Could not rename/remove etc even admin does not have permissions and it would not let me add admin to allow me to do it. I could book safe mode and delete the dll to try it.