Posted March 15, 2015
Since GOG often also provides soundtracks, this is brilliant :)
I used this 'ripper' and converted a couple of soundtracks to ogg, then place them into C:\GOG Games\Train Fever\res\audio\music and the ingame player will start using them.
The freeripmp3 software has some bypass installation, choose custom installation and untick the box to not get those.
I am absolute in love with the Two Worlds Two soundtrack again :)
p.s. and the Eador tracks!
To get all the soundtracks of your GOG downloads
1. search the games folder for 'sound' or 'OST'
2. copy all the zip archives into one folder
3. get 7zip and use something like:
FOR %%X in (*.rar *.zip) DO (
"C:\Program Files\7-zip\7z.exe" x "%%X" -aos -o"D:\soundtracks\out\%%X"
in a batch file to extract them
I use Alien Nation, Eador Genesis, Eador MOTBW, All Settlers, Trine, Two Worlds 2, Kings Bounty
makes 241 tracks :)
p.s. it messes up some of the id3 tags, mp3tag can fix this, convert filename to tag.
I used this 'ripper' and converted a couple of soundtracks to ogg, then place them into C:\GOG Games\Train Fever\res\audio\music and the ingame player will start using them.
The freeripmp3 software has some bypass installation, choose custom installation and untick the box to not get those.
I am absolute in love with the Two Worlds Two soundtrack again :)
p.s. and the Eador tracks!
To get all the soundtracks of your GOG downloads
1. search the games folder for 'sound' or 'OST'
2. copy all the zip archives into one folder
3. get 7zip and use something like:
FOR %%X in (*.rar *.zip) DO (
"C:\Program Files\7-zip\7z.exe" x "%%X" -aos -o"D:\soundtracks\out\%%X"
I use Alien Nation, Eador Genesis, Eador MOTBW, All Settlers, Trine, Two Worlds 2, Kings Bounty
makes 241 tracks :)
p.s. it messes up some of the id3 tags, mp3tag can fix this, convert filename to tag.
Post edited May 07, 2015 by disi