The_Pastmaster: I'm playing the Core campaign for once and I've had great success in every mission until I hit Departing Rougepelt. I've played this mission 16+ times now and I have never come close to winning it. It it isn't the AI rushing me with brawlers with me having little to no air defences then it's the random metaor showes destroying my army.
And if I beat back the rush the AI pelts me with artillery from his base which Iäm far from ready to take on.
What's with the difficulty spike in this misson, seriously?
Its not the hardest campaign mission i would pick.... that one goes to the first beacon encounter in the core contingency campaign.
By artillery i assume you are referring to the 'intimidator'/ big bertha?
The way to deal with those is to have cheap sacrificial patrolling ground units (usually anti air units) forward of your base. Keep one or 2 level 1 bot factories churning them out - you can set the patrol orders at the factory so they automatically go on patrol as soon as constructed. Pause construction whenever the number of units starts getting a bit high and they start bumping into each other too much, because you don't want that. Big guns love to target these ground units because its the first thing revealed when enemy units come over. Keep them coming and your base will never be touched by big guns.
as far as air units are concerned, well, your level 1 air defense fixed guns are cheap and effective.... more effective than level 1 anti air units.
Initially you don't want to challenge the AI air force with your own air force, its too expensive and slow to build up to being effective. However, later on once you start building fusion power plants, air units are the bees knees! You can practically win any mission with an air strategy, no not with gunships, useless, i mean with level 2 fighters, lots of them!
The secret is, you can put your commander and several advanced construction vehicles to 'guard' the air factory... they will boost the production,,,, takes heaps of energy but very little metal, so its a winning strategy every time.
Edit: one last thing.... i think if you can manage to capture an enemy construction vehicle, it will allow you to build more stuff? You have to use an airlift plane, pick one up that moved away from its base and bring it back to your commander. Everything shoots at it but will miss.... spectacular to watch! lol