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One thing that does annoy me about TA is the AI control component of your units. Eg when you send a large group of units at an enemy base, with typical AI patterned "spread out" jumbles of laser towers, rocket towers and those plasma cannons (eg like the "Guardian"). My units just shamble around aimlessly, not firing at anything in defence or offence - they get mowed down by the dozens by the AI's fixed defences - 50 tier 1 units can barely mange to remove 2 fixed defence units vs the loss of all 50. Tier 2 units like the Bulldog also perform very badly. Longer ranged assets like say, "Luger"s and "Merl"s just go wandering into melee range too, getting pulverised in the process. They just won't hang back and fire their weapons at stand off.

The AI's units have MUCH better AI routines. The kiting ability of TA's oppenent AI is very impressive. Your units just will not do it, unless you command them one by one by one by one - which really isn't feasable for the human player.

Any strategy advice on offer?


PS/ This forum is a bit slower than I thought it would be. :/
Post edited October 17, 2021 by JMayer70
Hello :)

To make your units fire at everything you can press enter and type +shootall and that tells your units to fire at everything.

What i like to do is to make a perimeter around the enemies base spreading my forces out, Having the targeting facility and mobile radar units so we can shoot at anything coming at us, slowly but surely you can advance with or without the help of artillery firing from the rear.

Also remember if the big explosions annoy you type +noshake after pressing enter, I hate my screen going nuts,

Finely if on a metal map typing +dither will make seeing where you place things a little easier.

With mobile radar and a targeting facility you can hit anything from in radar, So a aircraft carrier is suddenly the base of your navel fleet and mobile radar is should be in the middle of your attack.

Also stealth is lovely against human players, They honestly wont see a thing if done right until it's too late.... *cough* vulkin, buzzsaw. :)
Post edited November 03, 2021 by Ghost Robertson
Weapon turn rate also affects whether a unit needs to stop and fire or can fire on the go, since the angle-to-target might be displacing faster than the turrt can turn! Because of this, most of the vehicular and k-bot units need to be ordered to halt moving so their turrets can traverse and fire properly. AA units, cans and flash tanks/peewees have famously quick targeting traverse speeds, allowing them to fire on the move. Lugers and Artillery famously cannot hit the broad side of a barn, even when their slow-traverse weapons aim properly... they are practically useless.

An exception to the above is when your units are falling back while being chased and firing to their rear. In this case, even slow weapon traverse speeds CAN keep up with the moving targets chasing them. The result is that in this case almost all units work well when retreating (if they have a LOS on the enemy - so use scouts!).

It is often better imo to change all unit and factory standing orders to 'hold position' rather than 'roam' (exception: fighter aircraft), as that obliges units to aim and return fire rather than take evasive maneuvers when they encounter the enemy.

Units ordered to target a radar blip that is not in range will move closer (and probably not fire at it), while units ordered to target a radar blip within range will aim and fire w/o moving. SO on offense, often advancing a bit and then ordering your units to halt so they can then target the enemy properly is needed. Send cheap scout units to establish LOS on the target (or use radar and target the radar blips) to allow your long-range expensive assault units to sit back and fire properly from range.

In the very late-game, building a targeting facility changes this behavior quite a bit (your units will auto-fire at any radar blip in range). But it requires a dedicated Fusion Reactor to power one, and only is available in CC missions.
Post edited January 14, 2022 by Dreamteam67