mrchainsaw: Had mixed results with patrol and +shootall. Seems to work with gunships. From what I can tell they converge on and steadily mow down every closest enemy/building along their route. Land units just seem to shoot a couple rounds at random crap while running into turret fire
If however you order your army to attack a particular enemy unit at the far end of the enemy base...
mrchainsaw: Will try that
Oh yea, i forgot there are gunships in the game.... i never actually use them because fighters are so much more effective for the investment. You can max your unit limit with fighters and swarm the enemy base and see the damage they do then compare doing the same with gunships,,,, its no comparison, the fighters in large numbers are far more devastating to 'ground' units and structures than large numbers of gunships..... because fighters don't bunch up for getting mowed down by air defenses!!! lol