oldgamebuff42: This might seem like a silly question since they are one of the coolest, in my mind, units ever in any RTS, but do Krogoths really justify their exorbitant cost? I've found that they're best used to take out either a ton of low level units, weak armored units like aircraft when they finally get taken down because of their massive explosion, or as Commander Hunters.
Their no use at all for quicker games, but for longer ones, they are brilliant!
Best on metal maps.
They are the best defensive unit you can get, i like to hide them behind hills around my perimeter or patrol them.
They are also very good for assaulting well established bases..... some metal maps, it is almost impossible to crush the AI without a few Krogoth assaults.
Get heaps of advanced construction aircraft helping construction and they can build quite fast - if you have the metal!