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Starts off pretty good, but WOW is this grueling arduousness by the end. Feels like they had the layouts for 4 different games and cut them into confetti, through them onto the floor and then made the game based on how chance placed the pieces. Like Star Wars: Episode One's trailer, the demo of this game is all the best parts for free, but whatever you do, don't expect the paid version to ad onto what's in the demo in a positive way. There are good ideas (for about 4 different games, as stated), and if you want to help the devs to make more (better) games, fine, but don't buy this game to actually enjoy playing it, or you will be sorely disappointed.
Post edited December 29, 2021 by artphotodude2019
I'm not very far in the game, yet, and I have no idea what the Devs were trying to achieve.

Okay, there's that oldschool survival horror vibe they try to get. I'd argue Song of Horror did it better. And since this is a horror game, I shouldn't expect much from the writing, but my good, it's bad.

That priest. The dialogue was incredible wooden and I have the feeling the devs try to make him somewhat spooky I guess? Especially the next time you meet him he's eating soup in the monster infested hospital. It just doesn't make any sense.

Sure, the game certainly looks nice. But that's it for now. Going to play through this game, since it doesn't play too bad, but I don't expect anything great.