Dingleribs77: *sigh*.....
This is one of those times where I feel above-average retarded...
This whole time, I have been typing the password for my Runic account, which made perfect sense, right? Well apparently not to the game which, in all its brilliance and for some reason, decided to set the login username as being that of the character I created.. That of course is why my Runic password did not work, but as soon as I changed the username to my email addy, as used in account creation, wouldn't you know it? Hey presto!
Now you might wonder why I didn't notice the misplaced username before, but in my now fading state of mental power outage, it turns out my eyesight was lacking as well.. :-D
Sorry for taking up unnecessary amounts of your time, I'll just crawl back under my rock now...
1. You did came back!
2. You did tell the whole story so that somebody else will (maybe) avoid it!
3. You embarrassed yourself (priceless)
Sorry couldn't resist this 'copy' of master card ad ;)
And I MUST admit, something this obvious did also went by me ;) So you can feel not all the way alone ;)
Sometimes you don't see the forest because of tress.