Let's try step by step to see if it can help better
- download dgVoodoo2_84_1.zip from that page (the one "for regular usage" , not the debug versionn)
- open the dgVoodoo2_84_1.zip
take the files
and move them to :
(by default)
C:\GOG Games\Torchlight\
(where Torchlight.exe is)
- open the dgVoodoo2_84_1.zip again
go to the MS folder, then the x86 folder (Torchlight is a 32 bits game, so it's the x86 folder), take all the .dll files that are present there (D3D9.dll should be enough, but you may never know, so take those 4 .dll files just in case)
and move those 4 files to :
(by default)
C:\GOG Games\Torchlight\
(where Torchlight.exe is)
- double click on the dgVoodooCpl.exe that is now in C:\GOG Games\Torchlight\
at the window that appears ( pic1.jpg ) right click somewhere , select "Show all Sections of the Configuration"
this will make some other tabs appear, click on the one "GeneralExt" that appear to the right of the "DirectX" tabs
On the bottom there's a "FPS Limit" section, click on it and select 60 , it's always good practice to limit a game to 60 FPS due to how they were coded to avoid some physic engine issue or GPU heating too much with fan overworking because you have too many FPS
Now click on the "DirectX" tab
at "Videocard" choose either "Geforce FX5700" or "GeForce 9800 GT" (as both card existed before Torchlight was released they should be ok)
at "Antialiasing" choose OFF (you may change it back after you managed to make the game actually run, but for now OFF)
It should look like in the pic2.jpg
you can uncheck the "dgVoodoo watermark" if you want, i just kept it to see if dgvoodoo run correctly as it should display the watermark
Press "Apply" on the bottom of that window and close it
Launch Torchlight now