trayter: WElll If I could go back in time I'd refund when I had the chance and NOT rebuy it on steam. Waste of money, my own fault for listening to people.
Its all the more painful when the devs are good at communcating and seem to care.
If you bought recently you can refund it though so long as you explain the situation clearly and what was promised at launch and what hasn't been delivered.
Wouldn't bother rebuying it on steam unless the playerbase is increasing...and I doubt it is. you can check that online. If its not rising or declining....stay away. speaks for itself.
You guys released the game too soon, there wasn't enough resources, even basic ones, for a community to grow and develop. No ingame text, no lobby text, no communication outside of external discords that you have to search for online on ur own accord. Botchy ui, limited options. As a standalone package there's nothing to help grow the playerbase outside of the actual gameplay. And the gameplay itself doesn't help these issues, it only makes them worse with all the balance issues and the fact all games (however long they last) are 9/10 times determined in the first 60-90 seconds.
Consider salvaging and going free to play when the newpurchases dry up. The gameplay can carry the game forward, its really good when it works. You can rely on dlc purchases and skins and other zany content to turn it around.
That's simply the RTS community for you. Despite the popularity of StarCraft in Korea and on Twitch, player numbers for the genre as a whole has been low. Highly dedicated players that just rip you apart ("GG Git gud"). All new RTS games had problems with the Online Match playerbase. Grey Goo and Ashes of the Singularity are just my examples, I had high hopes for more variety in the genre. But People are going to stick with the classics. If you want to play something Niche, find a Discord with cool people to meet up and fight.
That's why I love the Splitscreen MP in Tooth & Tail. 4 buddies on my couch in front of a nice HD TV.