Posted September 22, 2017
This is a thread for if you have a well thought out suggestion and argument to support it. A suggestion that is just, "I want more levels with Bellafide talking in them." is not a suggestion for this thread as it is not a suggestion that you might even care about in five minutes. Take some time, think over your idea, and keep it thoroughly detailed but concise.
QUICK CAMPAIGN LEVEL SELECT. Going through the levels in the campaign by walking around a large map, and only being able to get to other factions' campaigns through warping is extremely slow and artificially lengthens time you could be using to play the level. Once you've completed the campaign, there should be a fast level select menu you can use without having to run around.
QUICK CAMPAIGN LEVEL SELECT. Going through the levels in the campaign by walking around a large map, and only being able to get to other factions' campaigns through warping is extremely slow and artificially lengthens time you could be using to play the level. Once you've completed the campaign, there should be a fast level select menu you can use without having to run around.