Flyingfluffypiglet: You may be in luck as I've finally managed getting back to it and finish it, got 40 saves (in the right format you're after) at various stages so there's probably one that would get you back on track. Let me know if you're still after saves and I'll upload them somewhere for you.
Cowslanlr: Hello, would you by any chance be able to provide me with a save game file at the start of CD 2? I am talking about the part where all your items get taken and you are trapped in the jail cell in Count Nefarious tower. I encountered a bug that made an item I need disappear from my bottomless bag and unfortunately I have only been using one save.
I've uploaded all my saves in the link underneath, as I uninstalled the game and didn't have time to re-install and check which save number it would be. But in the save menu there is 2 views and one is descriptive so you should be able to get one right there or very close to it prior to that.
Otherwise it's having to wait 'till I have time to reinstall and check which is where and that could take a few days.!RCYCwapT!xoD8Oi3qCNsJiNiPUgySWAVonxpn0T7jeTSdwsEB9SEFlyingfluffypiglet: You may be in luck as I've finally managed getting back to it and finish it, got 40 saves (in the right format you're after) at various stages so there's probably one that would get you back on track. Let me know if you're still after saves and I'll upload them somewhere for you.
ilinx7: Thanks for the reply, that wopuld be fantastic. Based on the wrong format saves I did find there are ones indicating the Prison or the Costumes thhat would be close. I covered some aspect of both though some random items and order of exploring could be a factor. In any case I would rather a little repeat than a lot. I definitiely stopped before progressing the scarecrow. Grateful for any assistance you can provide.
This is where I've uploaded all my saves (all in one zipped/rared file).
See my reply to Cowslanlr about that and hopefully you should be good to go again, but report back here if not.!RCYCwapT!xoD8Oi3qCNsJiNiPUgySWAVonxpn0T7jeTSdwsEB9SE