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MajCrisis: Because they do in fact hold each others hands. They are two halves of the same oppressive, mass murdering coin. Communism is every bit as irredeemable as Fascism. They just have different excuses.
Both regimes, indeed, share common socialist economic roots of a) regulated economy (i.e. owned and controlled by people, but de-facto run - and effectively owned - by a half-dozen of key members at the top of the administration) and b) abolishion of private property (justified w/ 'for the better good of people' reasoning)
A brief, layman crash-course into the subject of inward 'nat' socialism can be found here ->
Post edited May 02, 2021 by matrixdll
I want to give the game a fair shake, like every game I play.

I've also only done 2 reviews on GOG, and I don't know how to view my reviews eigther.

If GOG removed/disallowed reviews for games people owned then most actual old games wouldn't have reviews because a lot of reviews about them playing the game decades ago, not now. :)

While I'm not a fan of the political message in the game (it's in the game description, so it's not like people won't know it's there), I want to play the game first before I make a judgement on the game itself. Maybe it's got a message that's in it's simple plot that by only playing the game I'll find.

For example, the Red Faction series & Freedom Fighters have stylistic communistic imagery for it's protagionists & if you didn't play it you wouldn't know what it's about, in CoD 1 & 2 you play & help the Soviet's, even though we know at release what they were like at that point in history.

So, I'm giving it a chance. Based on what I've played so far, my biggest complaint is how the control work with kb+mouse.