I want to give the game a fair shake, like every game I play.
I've also only done 2 reviews on GOG, and I don't know how to view my reviews eigther.
If GOG removed/disallowed reviews for games people owned then most actual old games wouldn't have reviews because a lot of reviews about them playing the game decades ago, not now. :)
While I'm not a fan of the political message in the game (it's in the game description, so it's not like people won't know it's there), I want to play the game first before I make a judgement on the game itself. Maybe it's got a message that's in it's simple plot that by only playing the game I'll find.
For example, the Red Faction series & Freedom Fighters have stylistic communistic imagery for it's protagionists & if you didn't play it you wouldn't know what it's about, in CoD 1 & 2 you play & help the Soviet's, even though we know at release what they were like at that point in history.
So, I'm giving it a chance. Based on what I've played so far, my biggest complaint is how the control work with kb+mouse.