Yes, it was to bring the game in line with the latest version (Steam/EGS). Originally GOG got what seems to be a slightly older (earlier) build of the game. There are some differences and minor graphical glitches that are fixed in the latest build that was just pushed out. However, there are some aspects that were better in the older build - for example whereas the older GOG build had reflections on wet surfaces and heat haze effect in AoD, the new one removes them (in line with what was in Steam and I assume EGS on release).
On the other hand, the latest build does fix some issues like the enemies' bodies flying around when you kill them, invisible textures, object pop in, etc. Thankfully with GOG you get to choose which version you want. I'm sure that eventually the developers will fix all versions to the same level, but for now if you bought the game on GoG you get to decide whether you want to play the slightly glitchier version with extra graphical effects (the pre-patch day-1 GOG build), or the slightly more fixed version that lacks those graphical flourishes (the new build)
Post edited February 28, 2025 by Regenerator