thenewguy512739: Got the game on Steam, so yeah. Any help?
One solution for TR1 is to use Glidos ( ) , It is not free ( though you can play the first three levels without paying the ten bucks)
It uses dos box and vdm sound and it is pretty easy to configure ( instructions at ) . It also has preconfigured profiles for both the steam and GOG versions of TR1
some of the benefits of glidos are:
single pre-configured downloads that enable full playback of original pSone soundtrack
correct FMV playback ( or a pre-configured fmv download pak)
higher resolutions including widescreen and integrated 3-d support ( for both 3-d monitors (and televisions if your video card and t.v. support it ) and red/blue anaglyph glasses )
the ability to use and or make higher resolution texture paks ( originals are 64x64 8bit(color), glidos enables 256x256 24bit, with true alpha channels ( transparencies ) )