darkredshift: I mean she will crawl off and hang from a ledge when in a crawlspace but when she is CROUCHED outside of a crawlspace, she will not CRAWL AND HANG from the ledge. she does sometimes but its nearly impossible to trigger on purpose. I think its a serious bug. a new one at that because the games never had this problem before
tinyE: Again forgive my stupid questions but why would she need to be crouched
outside of a crawlspace? I only crouch when height is a problem or I'm ducking an enemy.
when there is a 2 click (crawlspace height) gap at the edge of a ledge and you have to get past it. like the exit switch alcove in lud's gate or the air vent into the corridor above the fishbone ladder in the 13th floor. in tr5 you can cheat by somersaulting but in tr 3 and 4 you can't and have to pass it that way
darkredshift: I mean she will crawl off and hang from a ledge when in a crawlspace but when she is CROUCHED outside of a crawlspace, she will not CRAWL AND HANG from the ledge. she does sometimes but its nearly impossible to trigger on purpose. I think its a serious bug. a new one at that because the games never had this problem before
tinyE: Again forgive my stupid questions but why would she need to be crouched
outside of a crawlspace? I only crouch when height is a problem or I'm ducking an enemy.
also, some stealth sections require Lara to safety drop from a crouched position when not in a crawlspace like the scuba diver sneak around to last secret in lud's gate. the drop point is into a small pool and if you can't safety drop, you will be spotted by the guard.