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Been playing a Hunting + Earth combination and having an absolute blast, the DPS is so real and it's amazing. I want to try something new, though. Been looking into a Dream build, what are your suggestions for that? And what are other builds you would recommend? Thanks!
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Honestly, it depends a lot on what you want to do. But here are some suggestions:

A wizard-like character: Storm + Spirit. Even if you dislike the undead feeling of Spirit, you can use Spirit only for its Ternion and Arcane Lore skills. 16 points in the Mastery, max those two skills and for the rest just play as you would play a Storm-only character. IMO it is less thematic, but similar argument can be done for a Earth based character.

The classic warrior: Warfare + Defense. Warfare Dual Wield may seems strange with Defense as you cannot use the shield, but there still plenty of useful skill: Battle Awareness, Armor Handling, Adrenaline, Rally, Colossus Form... and the skill points are not so many anyway. On the other hand it is not very "versatile" you become a melee powerhouse, but that's about it.

The pet-friend: Spirit + Nature. 2 Wolves (push the Skill to 7 asap), 1 Driad, 1 Lich-King, and seldom an Outsider. If you manage to find a +2 to all Skill item(*), you can have 3 Wolves. Nature + Dream has only one pet, but also works great; among other reasons the Dream's skill Master Mind increase the effectiveness of all pets!

The magic knight: Warfare + Dream. Warfare focuses on one enemy, Dream focuses on groups. 100% awesome.

The vicious killer: Warfare + Rogue. Warfare Dual Wield is lethal. You will improve it even more with Mandrake and Blade Honing.

Have fun!

(*)ie, try to have Dex 300 and Str 120 by Gorgons Bosses in Epic... and look for (epic) Stonebinder's Cuffs
Post edited December 16, 2017 by etb
etb: Honestly, it depends a lot on what you want to do. But here are some suggestions:

A wizard-like character: Storm + Spirit.

The classic warrior: Warfare + Defense. Warfare Dual Wield may seems strange with Defense as you cannot use the shield, but there still plenty of useful skill: Battle Awareness, Armor Handling, Adrenaline, Rally, Colossus Form... and the skill points are not so many anyway.

The pet-friend: Spirit + Nature. 2 Wolves, 1 Driad, 1 Lich-King, and seldom an Outsider. If you manage to find a +2 to all Skill item, you can have 3 Wolves. Nature + Dream also works.

The magic knight: Warfare + Dream. Warfare focuses on one enemy, Dream focuses on groups. 100% awesome.

The vicious killer: Warfare + Rogue. Warfare Dual Wield is lethal. You will improve it even more with Mandrake and Blade Honing.

Have fun!
Runesmith: Runes + Defense. This is the ultimate shield using warrior. You gain a bonus shield recovery bonus in runes ontop of the various bonuses from defense. You also gain a left mouse button attack from runes.

Seidr Worker: Runes + Dream. I don't know how to describe this other than OP.
I love DWielding so atm I am running a DWielding Spellbreaker :)

It might not be the strongest option but it is definitely fun and cool looking and there are some nice synergies too.

Deathchill aura is awesome for malee...I run it in xmax zero death so far so good. with +3 points it is really powerful.

Where it falls short (undead, u cannot leach life off undead) u have spirit ward tree that will help tremendously against undead - 1/1 is enough as eventually u will have at least +4 to all skills.

Leach king is good at taking some heat off you and scouting. With wraith shell he can take quite a beating ;)

U have a nice cheat death skill every 150 sek (I'm running with -50 - -60% CDR) and with dark covenant u have a huge dmg boost with almost all of the time - cannot remember nw but the downtime is approx. 10 sec or less. less prolly with the CDR.

Of course u can try DW Harbinger as it offers one amazing skill Phantom with a cooldown of approx. 6 sec with the CDR balance....I can remember my Zero Cooldown Phantomstriker back in the day - awesome :)

Basically, I do enjoy the is something new for me, it ois fun and revived my interest in the game after runnign all the optimal buildes like COnquerer.
Another fun and versatile (but no dream) I think is Nature + Warfare.

Warfare has powerful single target abilities, but also way to improve your companions including, but not only, your pets (via Battle Standard tree skills); Nature has 3 pets, a powerful group attack (via Plague tree skills) and defense (via Heart of Oak and Sanctuary tree skills).
Been playing this game for ages, and decided to start completely from scratch when I got the Anniversary Edition (played boxed copies before). As a result, the builds I'm playing now are all well past the experimental phase, and a good blend of fun and efficiency. I got:

Guardian (Nature + Defense)
: cute pets that buff other party members in co-op too, combined with classic sword and board melee, and amazing tankiness.

Female melee Diviner (Dream + Spirit): All of Dream mastery's gimmicks, including Trance of Wrath, combined with Deathchill Aura and Spirit Ward. You have pets, you have three aura's, and you excel at killing Daemons and Undead, allowing you to steamroll through Act IV.

Elemental bow Sage (Hunting + Storm): You're basically a caster that relies on a bow to distribute elemental damage. A bit difficult to set up, but powerfull, varried, and with great crowd control.

Once I buy Ragnarok, I'll go for a:

Melee Stonespeaker (Rune + Earth), since those two masteries seem to complement eachother nicely, and you get Corey.
Post edited January 01, 2018 by Laionidas
Dream and Warfare mix well... Harbinger can do it! There are builds around boss farming and normal killing. Also, if you have Ragnarok, you can dual wield thrown weapons, those can be extremely deadly...