MedeaFleecestealer: Good grief there have been patches! I haven't even seen any notifications. And yes, I agree patches should be just that, patches. I don't want to keep downloading the whole game again and again, especially as I don't have a high speed connection where I live. Every time I have to do it, it takes 3-3.5 hours for all the downloads.
No, the obvious solution is to download the 145MB Galaxy installer, which will put the beta (
still beta, after nearly 3 years) software on your machine, so you will then have the opportunity to post one more entry in a long list of "Galaxy ain't working" threads in the main forum.
Because, of course, we're complete dumbasses for thinking that a "stability update" should be a simple patch that updates a few select files and not require yet another download of the entire game.
<not directed at you, of course, but to those who say we should just 'go along to get along' and download the Galaxy beta instead of them providing a patch file, which could be as simple as a .zip file with a readme.txt containing instructions>