Posted 15 hours ago
Superflous text at game start:
"Жрецы покинули Крепость. Ваши усилия по снижению проклятия принесли свои плоды.{#95_1}"
"The priests have left the Castle. Your efforts to reduce the curse have borne fruit"
Choose no when asked for an explanation of the game interface
I assume that is a mistake, but fixing that might break the game.
Superflous text at game start:
"Жрецы покинули Крепость. Ваши усилия по снижению проклятия принесли свои плоды.{#95_1}"
"The priests have left the Castle. Your efforts to reduce the curse have borne fruit"
Choose no when asked for an explanation of the game interface
I assume that is a mistake, but fixing that might break the game.