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Would have expected a bit more from Ron Gilbert and Gary Winnick, or is that the reason why the Company is called "Terrible Toybox"? :)
Woolytoes: Would have expected a bit more from Ron Gilbert and Gary Winnick, or is that the reason why the Company is called "Terrible Toybox"? :)
There were a couple of goodies for backers (like myself) - the most important thing, at least in my most humble of opinions, is that they are still busy improving and expanding their little masterpiece ( 'erst die Pflicht, dann die Kür' ;-)) although what they have been doing so far already goes far beyond the usual bugfix patches customers can expect - i.e. it already is far beyond 'Pflicht'.

Anyway, maybe a couple of goodies will be added at a later date. Just be patient :-).
You can get the soundtrack from bandcamp:

I also hope there will be a Deluxe version on GOG (e.g. with soundtrack + artbook) after they have finished polishing the game!
I've always been disappointed the soundtrack is not available here on GOG.