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Right now, I'm running the latest version of Thief II on GOG and I'm having a hard time getting into it. The game is way too dark, making it hard to navigate. When a character speaks, they are barely audible. I keep seeing all these different mods / fixes / tweaks such as TFix and Tafferpatch. Lots of the really useful info I find only applies to Thief1/Gold. I'm barely finding anything regarding Thief II that is tangible at this point. Can someone point me to easy to follow and up to date guide to getting the most out of Thief II?

EDIT: This should have been flagged as a question. Anyway to fix that?
Post edited June 15, 2016 by Vampire-Jekyll
Raise the volume in the options.

As for the darkness, experiment with the gamma correction in the game options and the brightness of your screen.
I've cranked both up, to no avail.

Raising the volume just raises all of audio, not just voices. No matter what I set it at, voices are drown out by the ambient soundtrack.

As for gamma correction, all it seems to do is white wash everything. I can see a little bit better, but at the cost of everything being just plain ugly. I'll post some screenshots when I get the chance.
Post edited June 18, 2016 by Vampire-Jekyll
I just realized why my video was displaying so dark. I run f.lux on my laptop and it was causing everything to be incredibly dark. Enabling Safe Mode fixed that problem.

I'm still having a hard time hearing voices, though. But at least now I can see what I am doing.
there are a few different sound driver options you can use, check the audio options menu and try changing them.