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Has support for resolutions up to 1920x1080!
There's all sorts of goodies in that, for instance, some of the screenshots on the TTLG forums by fan mission makers show much better shadows. Also (which won't affect the GOG release), it uses the standard DirectX9 renderer, so making the use of DDFix/TGFix redundant.
It makes the game quite laggy for me, odd.
This is quite incredible, there is a changelog in the readme included in the patch. Apparently it's only a small sample of the changes!

A small sample of changes and fixes

- Added windowed mode
- Added single display mode option - no resolution change between menus and game
- Added ingame support for all common resolutions, including widescreen
- Added support for 32-bit color
- Textures can now be automatically promoted to 32-bit, improving quality and effectively eliminating the palette limit
- Added UI framerate cap option to avoid GPU fan spinning up in UI
- Added DDS/PNG image support
- Added full 24/32-bit TGA/BMP image support
- Increased the maximum number of frames allowed in animated textures from 20 to 99, and increased the allowable filename length for animated textures (before the underscore) to support more than 7
- Animated texture rate can now be specified via a material file for that texture
- Fixed a bug where Transparency property didn't (correctly) apply on objects that contain transparent polys

- Replaced video player lib with an FFMpeg based one to play cutscenes. or other codecs are no longer required
- Option to use OpenAL (if available) instead of DirectSound. Includes support for audio effects in Windows 7 without an EAX-enabled driver (e.g. ALchemy)
- Added "head_bob" config var to control amount of head bob
- Added mousewheel support to options menu
- Fixed player ground contact tracking when walking off an object (caused footstep sounds to get "stuck" on previous material)
- Fixed sound cap per schema type bug and upped max sound channels to 48
- Changed screenshot output format to BMP and also added support for PNG screenshots
- Changed mouselook sensitivity to be resolution independent
- Added check to avoid trying to open files with reserved system name like com ports
- AIs now breathe from their head instead of their stomachs. They will no longer drown when up to their waist in water.
- Lowered player crouch height by a tiny fraction so he's less likely to get stuck on 4 unit tall spaces
- Added better support for binding actions to the mouse wheel (can bind wheel up and wheel down as separate actions, with modifier key support)
- Fixed star rendering
- Added "log_player_pos" command that dumps current player pos to log file (when enabled)
- Added the ability to detach from ladders by crouching
- Improved mantling a bit and added optional new mantling algorithm with lower failure rate
- Fixed a bug which limited number of sound channels to 16 even if more were selected
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused doors to float away into infinity
- Fixed (or at least greatly improved) a bug with edge triggered OBBs sometimes failing to detect collision (in particular for slow moving objects)
- Fixed framerate dependent speed issue for camvators/moving terrain (with collision type: none)
- Added "fixed_star_size" option for resolution independent star size
- Fixed some bugs when attaching to a ladder from water.
- AIs who are facing very close to a wall will no longer turn to face south when the game begins
- Health bar drawing adjusted in widescreen
- Added option to fix arm rendering
- Added AA to rendering of loadout screen items
- Fixed pickpocket count bug that would always show 1 more maximum pickpocket than there actually was.
- Added "Blocks frobs" property, allowing objects to block frobs of objects behind them (e.g. to stop frobbing items through safe doors)
- Added option to left-align map notes text
- Made navigation of map/objectives screen a little bit more in-game friendly (screen can also be closed with space, arrow key navigation and return to switch map/obj)

- Lightmaps are now properly displayed in the editor 3D view
- Added support for HW rendering in editor viewports
- Increased the maximum number of visible on-screen terrain polies from 1024 to 20480
- Increased the maximum number of visible on-screen objects from 128 to 1280
- Added some safety checks to object scaling operations to prevent objects with 1.#INF scale
- Fixed a crash when computing pathfinding with an improperly linked moving terrain object in the mission. An ignorable assert is thrown and the object is skipped gracefully instead of crashing.
- Prevented a crash if you apply a model of one creature type to an object assigned a different creature type
- Fixed "Attempt to mark from invalid room id 0" assertion to actually show the room id that is invalid, instead of always showing 0.
- Integrated csgmerge tool into editor exe
- Added support for 32-bit lightmaps
- Fixed the bug where cloning a multibrush with particles would duplicate every object in the mission
- Fixed a bug where the game would crash when deleting a large multibrush
- Added fallback check to find Motiondb.bin in resource paths
- Fixed resource lock errors when loading TGA images (for object textures and distance art)
- Fixed solo view editor issues when going back to edit mode from game mode
- Added ability to change the brush colors in DromEd via values in DromEd.cfg.
- Added light-based transparency property
- Added ability to enable/disable eye zoom in Thief 2
- Vast improvements to editor dialogs, including crash fixes and improved functionality
- Increased brush limit from 7068 to 16384
- Increased rooms limit from 1024 to 4096
- Increased ambient sound limit from 256 to 1024
- Increased cell limit from 28672 to 32760
- Increased the maximum number of sides in a cylinder from 10 to 26.
- Increased automap location limit from 64 to 256 locations per page
- The texture rotation control can now interpret negative values
- Fixed a crash while generating reports
- Added a warning dialog when attempting to save one filetype (mis/gam/cow) as another
- Added new Windows-style texture palette (which also supports more than 256 textures)
- Added support for all editor window sizes
- Added Pendulum (/sinusoidal) curve type to tweqs
- Added DetailAttachement link type
- Added Distance Alpha property
- Added Bitmap Color property for custom modulation color on bitmap objects
- Added "Face camera (axial)" setting to Bitmap Worldspace
- Added color param, additive blending and spotlight cone falloff support to coronas
- Added "Editor Comments" property
- Added "show_vhots" command for debug visuals of vhot placement and numbering on objects
- Manually deleting links in the link view dialog no longer deletes attached object for ParticleAttachement/DetailAttachement links
- Added the ability to place graphical decals on book pages
- Corpses with Contains links no longer count as pickpockets
- The Auto-Multibrush property no longer crashes DromEd if the .vbr file was not found.
- The stimulus on existing receptrons can now be changed
- The intensity for sources is no longer reset when changing the propagator
- The receptrons list now correctly shows the max intensity value for existing receptrons
- Meshes can now be scaled with the Scale property
- Scaled objects now cast properly scaled shadows
- Objects can now obscure coronas
- Bitmap Worldspace objects can now be locally lit
- Precipitation will now collide with OBB objects as well as terrain
- The brush_to_room command can now be given a negative number, to be interpreted as an absolute size instead of a percentage (e.g. brush_to_room -0.1 would create a room brush 0.1 units larger than the selected brush.)
- It is no longer necessary to explicitly add the Hidden property to a secret object for the secret to be properly counted
- Added numeric keypad input support
- DromEd will no longer stop working after 03:14:07 on Tuesday, 19 January 2038
- Added "scroll here" option to the right-click menu for solo views, similar to the "teleport camera" option for non-solo views
- Fixed some issues with calculating which room cells are in (which might have caused problems with precipitation and fogging)
- Increased the time range of Tweqs to 0-65535
- The same property can no longer be added to an object multiple times
- Fixed a crash when adding the Texture Anim Data property to a concrete object

- See the included modders_notes.txt for more details on editor changes
Post edited September 26, 2012 by Forsling
woah... well that sure came out of nowhere.

Works very well indeed here, and as far as I can tell (I've not touched anything from the dromed side) does exactly what it says on the tin. Me and my precious ddfix suddenly feel somewhat inadequate... That changelog reads more like someone's christmas list than something that should actually be possible. o.O

Dammit, more games to add to my must replay list is just what I don't need right now. I'm supposed to be working! :p
For those who want an English version:
I really hope this rekindles interest in an open engine implementation. The source code is around, so a more modern implementation would be really great and future-proof the game for eternity (also, much better graphics would be possible ;) ).
The Open Dark Engine seems pretty dead at the moment, unfortunately, although there are rumours this patch might come from that direction.
Either I'm tripping balls or it's an unlisted feature. In Thief 1/G (there's a doc on how to make it work), creep (Shift+Walk forward) is silent. As in completely, there's not even an occasional step. Sort of what people normally achieve by tapping the button.

*checks new exe vs. Gold* Nope, creep does work differently.
Post edited September 26, 2012 by grviper
Awesome, now I can finally play Thief II in Wine :D
olantwin: I really hope this rekindles interest in an open engine implementation. The source code is around, so a more modern implementation would be really great and future-proof the game for eternity (also, much better graphics would be possible ;) ).
The Open Dark Engine seems pretty dead at the moment, unfortunately, although there are rumours this patch might come from that direction.
The problem is that the source code has been released without permission of the owners to the rights. Any open source project using that code would be illegal by default and even though it would be in Eidos's best interes not to sue they could. No one is going to take that risk. That's also most likely this patch has been released anonymously with no name behind it. It's really a shame because when the code for a game is released th results are usually superb and it helps keep the game alive beyon the lifespan of the hardware it was made for.
HiPhish: Awesome, now I can finally play Thief II in Wine :D
olantwin: I really hope this rekindles interest in an open engine implementation. The source code is around, so a more modern implementation would be really great and future-proof the game for eternity (also, much better graphics would be possible ;) ).
The Open Dark Engine seems pretty dead at the moment, unfortunately, although there are rumours this patch might come from that direction.
HiPhish: The problem is that the source code has been released without permission of the owners to the rights. Any open source project using that code would be illegal by default and even though it would be in Eidos's best interes not to sue they could. No one is going to take that risk. That's also most likely this patch has been released anonymously with no name behind it. It's really a shame because when the code for a game is released th results are usually superb and it helps keep the game alive beyon the lifespan of the hardware it was made for.
I guess you're right. But one can dream.

Publishers can be such a pain...
olantwin: I guess you're right. But one can dream.

Publishers can be such a pain...
HiPhish: It's really a shame because when the code for a game is released th results are usually superb and it helps keep the game alive beyon the lifespan of the hardware it was made for.
Yeah, I don't get that mentality at all. If I was a developer that self-published, and my game had well beyond lived out its shelf-life, and people were still pirating the game, I'd be honored. Really honored.

So you can imagine my opinion of if people cared enough to make modifications to the source code to make it work on modern hardware. This is, of course, if the person who released the source code obtained it legally, and didn't do something like hack into my network and take it by force. But I mean, I wouldn't even care if the person had permission to release it at that point. Hell, I'd probably have released it myself!

Why would I want to contribute to killing a community surrounding my own game?
Post edited September 26, 2012 by johnki
Publishers are still businesses and with many old games the rights are all over the place. If the game is barely selling you're not going to spend company ressources to have your lawyers investigate who has the rights to what and track down all the people who need to give permission, and that is assuming that none of them will be an asshole and demand like 20% of the profit from sales in return for his approval (OK, maybe 20% is too much, but they can make riddiculous demands). Now, on the other hand releasing the source code can let the community make a game better and help its sales, but this raises the question if publishers even want that. I mean, why should I buy the new shiny game if there is an even better one that plays just as well for a much lower price? I know it sounds backwards to us, but looking at how much money for development and marketing flows in today's "blockbusters" I think that's a pretty realistic line of thought.

Of course there is also the issue if you as the developer are even able to release the code in the first place. If you built your game using someone else's engine, like Unreal Engine, you cannot release the code, it doesn't belong to you. Epic makes money by licensing the engine to other developers. Of course they could relese the engine's code 10 years later when no one is using it anymore, but then you run into the above issues as again. The best thing would be to just build each game with open source tools in the first place, but with open source tools you don't get the same level of support as with paid tools. There is a documentation, a Wiki and the forum, but with a paid tool you have a company with a team dedicated to support.
HiPhish: The problem is that the source code has been released without permission of the owners to the rights. Any open source project using that code would be illegal by default and even though it would be in Eidos's best interes not to sue they could. No one is going to take that risk. That's also most likely this patch has been released anonymously with no name behind it. It's really a shame because when the code for a game is released th results are usually superb and it helps keep the game alive beyon the lifespan of the hardware it was made for.
If the developers of an open source project even see the original source code, it causes legal problems for the release, even if none of the original source code makes it in - which may explain why this was released anonymously. ReactOS had issues over precisely that, for instance.
This is exciting. I'll definitely try this when I get home.
I've been playing around with this, and in my opinion there's no reason for anyone to play Thief without it. It's indispensable.