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It's possible to spend endless amounts of time with Thief 2 due to the sheer amount of high-quality fan missions. The amount, and quality of available fan-made content is what makes the game stand out above any other I know. I thought I'd start a thread to collect some suggestions, trying to cover work by a variety of FM authors. Everyone should feel free to add your own favourites to the thread.

For new players I recommend playing Thief/Thief 2 in order, just to get a feel for the game mechanics, and also to pick up backstory. The following is a non-exhaustive list of recommendations.

T2X: An entire campaign, set in the Thief universe but not featuring Garrett (which may turn some people off). On the whole it is at least on par with the original games, exceeding them in some ways. It is probably a good starting point.
The 7th Crystal: An early gem by Saturnine. Haven't played it in a long time, but I remember this as a major advance in graphics and gameplay.
Heist Society: A nice big mansion to loot.
Seven Sisters: A three-mission campaign; the first two take place in a large well laid out city with lots of things to do.
Rose Cottage: A spooky mansion mission with excellent graphics. Features symmetrical chair stacking.
Unholy Vivid Innocence: This is a fairly small but interesting puzzle mission. The author, Haplo, has a whole series of other missions which look good but which I haven't really played yet.
Ominous Bequest/Broken Triad: For me, the high point in fan content, across all games I've played. New players should really wait a little before playing these, as it will make other (although really good) missions look a little dated.
CoSaS Mission X: A really complex mission - not for novice thieves. Excellent work.
Bathory campaign: Another well-made campaign, set in 17th century Hungary, featuring various protagonists.

Keep an eye out for the ttlg forum threads regarding all of these missions in case you get stuck on certain puzzles (but don't spoiler yourself overmuch).

For more ideas, see for example [url=][/url].
Post edited February 07, 2012 by bernds
Heres my list:

:) Enjoy