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I was able to run the game and am havinn no problems with the movies after using the ddfix patch. However, when changing my game size to 1280x720 using the Dark Widescreen Patch, the bat file is saying that the patch won't install and cancels it. I can run the game in GOG's default of 800x600 resolution. I would like to however run the game in a better resoltion. I'm glad that support for running this game is strong on day 1.
This question / problem has been solved by Sayneimage
You shouldn't need it. Install DDfix, then open cam.cfg and edit your screen size. Look for find where it says game_screen_size 800 600 and make it say game_screen_size 1280 720.

If you have the latest DDfix, you don't need dark widescreen... unless something has changed that I don't know about.
Post edited January 31, 2012 by Sayne
ddfix alone is not working. It keeps running at 800x600. My cam.cfg file has the screen size changed.
Have you uninstalled then deleted the widescreen patch? (I've gone through all these problems myself, sorry if that's a dumb question but if it's still in there it's causing problems). Dark widescreen uses WeiDU, and if you don't uninstall a WeiDU mod before deleting it, it'll not be uninstalled.
Sayne: Have you uninstalled then deleted the widescreen patch? (I've gone through all these problems myself, sorry if that's a dumb question but if it's still in there it's causing problems). Dark widescreen uses WeiDU, and if you don't uninstall a WeiDU mod before deleting it, it'll not be uninstalled.
I ran the game without the widescreen patch am was not able to run in my chosen screen resolution. I only installed the widescreen patch after trying without it.
Blegh. OK this is the point where I uninstall and start with a clean slate. It's just easier sometimes.

Make sure it's installed to an innocuous "Games" folder or something if you're using Windows 7, then copy in ddfix.ini, ddfix.dll and the ddfix-ized Thief.exe into your folder. At this point I always run Thief.exe to make sure that I haven't broken it completely.

Then close the game, open cam.cfg and type in your desired resolution.

Also, try this thread:

Voodoo47 has bundled up everything you need, with a handy install guide.
I'm still amazed GoG haven't had the hubris to point you guys at the forums - where WE fixed ALL theses issues long before GoG was even in existence.
The conversation I had with joek0 I had, positions reversed, at TTLG about 10 months ago (I have the same screen name... I'm not terribly clever). I didn't want to link him to the post on TTLG because, well, sometimes they take a bit of reading, and just following Voodoo47's instructions is easier.

I am not exactly known for my patience in looking for things I can't immediately find.
Post edited January 31, 2012 by Sayne
No worries, my issue isn't with you guys the players, its the fact that GoG released this games and didn't bother to patch it correctly before releasing it. If I was in any of your shoes, having paid for the game. I would demand a fix from GoG and not rely on the ttlg forums for the fix.
The post you refered to fixed my problems. I just can't run the game in windowed mode.
Good luck with that, because its never going to happen.

That said I would be impressed if GoG can patch it to work in window mode, but don't hold your breath.
b1k3rdude: If I was in any of your shoes, having paid for the game. I would demand a fix from GoG and not rely on the ttlg forums for the fix.
I think the issue is one of permission, i.e. GOG does not actually have permission from Square-Enix to include fanmade fixes with the game. They can provide the original game only. That said, they could have given a link to the TTLG forums so GOG buyers would know to look there for these fixes.

EDIT: Just saw in another thread that you are aware of the permission problem, sorry about that!
Post edited January 31, 2012 by Waltorious
Sorry to multi post, it just erks me that all gog have done is punt a game out and exspected the players to fix it. You lot paid your money and the way its been shuffled out the door is just not good enough.
b1k3rdude: Sorry to multi post, it just erks me that all gog have done is punt a game out and exspected the players to fix it. You lot paid your money and the way its been shuffled out the door is just not good enough.
I think the problem is that they're not allowed to fix it. Square Enix is letting them sell the game in its original form; any modifications must be made on the user end. GOG was able to do a few things, like set the processor affinity to one core only, but they can't do much more than that. If any entity is to blame for not providing the fixes, it is Squre-Enix, not GOG.

What GOG could have done was link or otherwise direct users towards the fan-made fixes available at the Through the Looking Glass forums. Fortunately, GOG forum users have already posted about those here, and it sounds like it's not too much trouble to apply them.

Speaking for myself, personally, I am happy to have an opportunity to buy Thief Gold (I had only ever played vanilla Thief) with no DRM in a convenient downloadable format, and I don't mind having to fiddle with a few things to get it to run. I much prefer this situation to one in which GOG was unable to sell it because they couldn't apply the fixes.

From what I hear, the retail "Thief Collection" also requires the player to apply these fixes themselves, is that correct?

EDIT: Official response from GOG:
Post edited February 01, 2012 by Waltorious
I think Thief 2 comes with an outdated version of ddfix. It only takes like 2 minutes to upgrade it, but still, I think GOG should update it.