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<apologises, slaps self about a bit & makes mental note to very thoroughly check a forum before creating a topic>
Post edited April 08, 2013 by gloombandit
Well, given that the other thread is titled "BETRAYAL", it isn't unreasonable to start a thread with a more... neutral title. Having said that, I personally expect to be disappointed by the new game.
<snip> ...I personally expect to be disappointed by the new game.

Disappointment is the path to the Dark Side. Disappointment leads to anger, anger leads to trolling; trolling leads to the Steam Discussions page :)

Quite honestly if, as "BETRAYAL" suggests, DX: HR's developers are creating it, there may be some precious nuggets of game-play goodness secreted within the AssCreedery I personally see in the current promo materials.
gloombandit: Quite honestly if, as "BETRAYAL" suggests, DX: HR's developers are creating it, there may be some precious nuggets of game-play goodness secreted within the AssCreedery I personally see in the current promo materials.
It's the same studio as Deus Ex: Human Revolution, but I don't know if it's any of the same actual people. In the other thread I linked to a first look article on Rock, Paper, Shotgun that sounded cautiously optimistic, but I've also heard a lot of troubling things, like people quitting the dev team and multiple changes in direction for the game. We'll see.