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timeslip: I should clarify that a bit; I'm not an official employee, I've just done a (tiny) bit of external work for them. I don't even get blue text. :p

But interplay including sfall was different. I had no problem with them including sfall; my problem was that they had stripped out the credits and readme files, and that they'd buggered up the setup so that it didn't actually do anything. The credits were a big thing in sfall; unlike ddfix which was entirely my code up until, umm, 1.3.something, sfall had code from almost a dozen people in at that point.
The campaign to get you blue text starts now!

Although, I suppose if you really wanted blue text you'd have it by now. I mean, maybe you don't even want blue text.

I must regretfully inform everyone that the campaign for blue text has come to a natural end. I want to thank everyone that was involved and look forward to working with you in the future.
GOG regularly uses outside help. Qbix, me, timeslip.
Vagabond: GOG regularly uses outside help. Qbix, me, timeslip.
Yeah. Timeslip is outside help, not a GOG staff member. And, as he points out in that forum thread, he doesn't own all the rights to the code in the fix he worked on.

Thus, "it's complicated."
Ok, understood, thanks.
But, frankly, for the Very Lazy People (c) (which I, unofficially, represent) probably would be enough the last line of Planescape Torment review, where we still can find a link to this comprehensive guide that spared me sort of an hour of google research.
Post edited February 02, 2012 by Qoelet
Hey, you really DID IT! :D
Thumbs up!
Guys, that' the way to go, I really appreciate your work!
EDUT teferring to this very good guide, just in case anyone missed it :D
Post edited February 19, 2012 by Qoelet
I can only say to those that are bitching that you dont like the price or what should or shouldnt be included with the game....go an buy the game else where and stop trolling the forum with your pathetic whinging.