Posted August 25, 2012
A bold assertion, to be sure, and not one I am ready to completely back up here and now, but I'll just ask the following question:
If one were to try to make it through a game like Thief with the highest possible score, non-lethal play , roguelike, and what have you, wouldn't the gameplay very quickly boil down to sitting in a corner for an unbearable amount of time in order to memorize guard routines, then move on to the next corner? It's a simple problem, but one I've never been able to find a way around. I want to play games like Thief and Deus Ex, but the above loop is all I see.
If one were to try to make it through a game like Thief with the highest possible score, non-lethal play , roguelike, and what have you, wouldn't the gameplay very quickly boil down to sitting in a corner for an unbearable amount of time in order to memorize guard routines, then move on to the next corner? It's a simple problem, but one I've never been able to find a way around. I want to play games like Thief and Deus Ex, but the above loop is all I see.