Sufyan: Fire extinguishers only make inspectors/VIPs think better of your safety measures, though many people keep spreading the rumour that they also make machines less prone to break down.
I don't know why your doctors keep going into R&D. One theory I could propose is that maybe you have a very specific combination of differently skilled doctors that confuses the AI, perhaps especially if the teacher goes on a break. It could also be a strange AI pathing problem because of how you laid out the rooms. In which direction is the nearest break room? Would the students have preferred to go through the area which the R&D room now occupies?
I'm just guessing with no similar experience, just giving you some ideas where to investigate.
Really, so fire extinguishers have zero impact on machinery survival of some sort? No point putting 1-4 in rooms then, as I tend to do if there is space for them.
I'm really not sure why he does it either. In the screenshot you can see the staff room to the left. It's a little shorter from the staff room to the training room, than research, so if it's pathing deal then I would think he should go back to training. It has happened in a later level as well, where the research room was yet farther away, so perhaps it's a bug in that the game simply doesn't treat researchers in training all that well. They don't always go wrong, but too often for pleasure, that's for sure, and it's not like I keep checking up on them every 10 minutes, so lots of time will be 'lost' (although at least in this case you get some actual research back, so it's not a total loss).
I don't know whether skills and breaks can cause this, as I don't recall the details, and mostly see this well after it has happened anyway, so can't know whether the teacher was on break. Will try to keep my eyes peeled for it on later levels though. Am up to 9 now I think.
I'm attaching another screenshot where it happened. As you can see the training room is closer to the staff room than the research room.