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Gog team are a bit lazy: they are not selling Theme Hospital for Linux while dosbox works very well on Linux.

First install dosbox for your distribution.
Then install Theme Hospital Gog installation file with wine, in a terminal:
$ wine setup_theme_hospital_2.0.0.5.exe
Now go to your wine folder and move the folder:
/home/your_profile/.wine/drive_c/GOG/Theme Hospital
where you want.
In the theme hopital folder, open HOSPITAL.CFG file and modify like this:
example, I'm french:
Save and exit
Open now dosboxTH_single.conf
modify this values if necessary, so they look like this:

mount C .

Save and exit

Time to test:
Create a file txt in the Theme Hospital folder, name it for example and paste this:

dosbox -conf dosboxTH.conf -conf dosboxTH_single.conf

Save, exit and make the file executable.
You can now launch to play.
Have a good game :)
Post edited February 03, 2015 by legluondunet
Thanks for this. I've not tried it, but I did install Theme Hospital on linux with Playonlinux, and the game worked very well. I played a couple of missions without problems. Not seen the "mouse cursor stuck to the side" yet, but that happened from time to time on Windows.
They are not necessarily lazy, usually it's a licensing thing. If the publisher only gave you the license to sell the game for Windows you can only sell it for Windows, even though the game might run even on your toaster. The thing I like about GOG games is that without DRM I can just make it work myself.
Thanks for the info, worked great on my end as well (esp. the "mount C . " instead of the default "mount C .." that the GOG installer creates.

Added a desktop file and a bash script and now my wife's a happy (TH) camper :)

All the best, Uwe
I can also confirm that this works. Even tho' i come late to the party ( couple of years late )

What i had to change in dosboxTH_single.conf:

Changed from mount C ".." to "mount C "."

Midi settings in same file:

I had issue with sound so i found a sound fix that works for me, in this .sh for starting of the game add 1 more line.

Entire file should look something like this:

export SDL_AUDIODRIVER="alsa"
dosbox -conf dosboxTH.conf -conf dosboxTH_single.conf


( i did not tested it but seems like it gives you option to host game at least )

In file called dosboxTH_single.conf
change ipx=false to ipx=true and save it.
After run the game and IPX option should be working!
Then you need to do some portforwarding on your router (open the ports that this game uses) in order to test it out.

In hope this will help someone in the future! Cheers!
Post edited November 11, 2022 by rajke88