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I am in one of the later levels which is Eastville as I believe. My problem is that the level is limited to 5 years of work, and that is just not enough time to reach $400k in the bank. I am currently around $100k. Am I supposed to increase prices or something?

1- My reputation is low and I get warning about unsatisfied customers although the graph shows my heating is about in the middle, drinks is in the green part, and the satisfaction over(smiley face) is on the far end of the green spectrum. Why I have a bad reputation? how can I bring it up?

2-It says I need at least 200 rep. point but now I only have 495? is this a bug or something?

3-Although I keep my machines maintained sometimes an earthquake would hit and my machine will be destroyed(losing space in the hospital). Is it my mistake or are there just earthquakes that will destroy machines at random?

You might have to find ways to cut costs. Have you been giving a lot of pay raises to employees? Fire the most expensive ones once you're able to train replacements. If patients are sitting around in long queues try to reorganize the hospital so they get through the process more quickly.

1. Are you killing a lot of patients or sending them to be "researched"? What about trash? Are there adequate restrooms?

3. A machine that's been repaired several times is more fragile than a brand new one. You may have to replace them periodically.
machines are another problem, each costing several thousands , If i keep replacing them my bank account will never reach 400k
kingmohd84: machines are another problem, each costing several thousands , If i keep replacing them my bank account will never reach 400k
You can put research into improving them. When you then buy a new one, it should have more uses before it fries, and will resist a harder hit by earthquakes. When there is an earthquake warning I usually put the game down to slowest speed and go through the machines to see if they can withstand it, and if not, try to get a janitor to fix them in time. Also save the game just in case a room blows up. It's just too annoying if an earthquake does that, and it can definitely happen, especially with machines with low limits.

In the settings somewhere you can set the various research percentages. Early on I like to have it fairly high on medicines, but when all of those have been discovered, you can put more into other areas, and towards the end of the map that should go into upgrading machines.
kingmohd84: machines are another problem, each costing several thousands , If i keep replacing them my bank account will never reach 400k
Pangaea666: You can put research into improving them. When you then buy a new one, it should have more uses before it fries, and will resist a harder hit by earthquakes. When there is an earthquake warning I usually put the game down to slowest speed and go through the machines to see if they can withstand it, and if not, try to get a janitor to fix them in time. Also save the game just in case a room blows up. It's just too annoying if an earthquake does that, and it can definitely happen, especially with machines with low limits.

In the settings somewhere you can set the various research percentages. Early on I like to have it fairly high on medicines, but when all of those have been discovered, you can put more into other areas, and towards the end of the map that should go into upgrading machines.
thanks for the reply. I ended up cheating to reach the $400,000 . I have been playing this level for few days. everything seems well except the money part. Once I reached the $400, 000 I beat the level.
Pangaea666: You can put research into improving them. When you then buy a new one, it should have more uses before it fries, and will resist a harder hit by earthquakes. When there is an earthquake warning I usually put the game down to slowest speed and go through the machines to see if they can withstand it, and if not, try to get a janitor to fix them in time. Also save the game just in case a room blows up. It's just too annoying if an earthquake does that, and it can definitely happen, especially with machines with low limits.

In the settings somewhere you can set the various research percentages. Early on I like to have it fairly high on medicines, but when all of those have been discovered, you can put more into other areas, and towards the end of the map that should go into upgrading machines.
kingmohd84: thanks for the reply. I ended up cheating to reach the $400,000 . I have been playing this level for few days. everything seems well except the money part. Once I reached the $400, 000 I beat the level.
Can you provide some screenshots of how you planned your hospital in that level? We may figure out what you did wrong :-)
kingmohd84: thanks for the reply. I ended up cheating to reach the $400,000 . I have been playing this level for few days. everything seems well except the money part. Once I reached the $400, 000 I beat the level.
zeffyr: Can you provide some screenshots of how you planned your hospital in that level? We may figure out what you did wrong :-)
thanks for your reply I just cheated, I increased my bank account to $400k and I won the level as I have met all other criteria
zeffyr: Can you provide some screenshots of how you planned your hospital in that level? We may figure out what you did wrong :-)
kingmohd84: thanks for your reply I just cheated, I increased my bank account to $400k and I won the level as I have met all other criteria
I understand you got past the level long ago, and got good, correct advice already. I'm just in the mood to write, and it may help someone else, so please excuse me for that.

I never increase prices. Your fee for treating a condition will rise along with your reputation for treating that condition, which is found in the drug casebook. Be careful not to lose sight of the basic purpose of the hospital; sounds like you did. Don't feel bad about that! I played for years obsessing over the thirst and heat too. "Earning" a high reputation is simple: have an attitude of duty and service toward your patients; factor it into everything you do. Remember you're in the hospital business! What do your patients want vs what you offer? My hospitals guarantee the fastest possible cure provided by the best staff with zero chance of dying. I never have time to worry about my reputation because it's all spent between worrying about my patients' experience in the hospital and being able to handle more patients.

If you still want reputation details, first, it has nothing to do with the heat and drinks spectrums, and everything to do with the thumb spectrum in lower left corner of your UI. Three actions affect this bar: diagnosing, curing, and killing. Diagnosing costs you reputation because the patient spends money for no cure. Mitigate this by making their first visit to GP's Office count by using the ablest, consultant-level doctors to (hopefully) get your patient diagnosed 100% on the first try. Curing is what a patient wants; obviously it boosts your reputation, so cure lots! Killing harms reputation of course, so make death by malpractice impossible like this: set your "Guess At Cure Policy" to 100. Next, with a pharmacy and nurse on staff, research drug research until all drugs are 100% effective. You know what percent drugs are by checking the drug casebook (this is an ongoing process as new conditions are discovered in-game). Never send a patient to research: they go into an "Auto Autopsy" (hint hint). Now only machine explosions or elapsed time w/o treatment can cause death, the former will soon be mitigated.
zeffyr: Can you provide some screenshots of how you planned your hospital in that level? We may figure out what you did wrong :-)
kingmohd84: thanks for your reply I just cheated, I increased my bank account to $400k and I won the level as I have met all other criteria
2. Earthquakes do not randomly destroy machines ever. You should understand your machinery and how to manage it before poop hits the fan. Let's tackle that: all machinery rooms should have a fire extinguisher. All machines have a limited, relatively low useful life that can be eternally improved by researching Improvements. All machines need maintenance after a certain number of uses which is told to you, by what I call a "use fraction", which is found by hovering the cursor over the machine. For example, a new Slicer has a "use fraction" of 0/8. That tells you it's been used 0 times; it can be used safely 7 times before it needs maintenance. Don't let it reach 8. If the "use fraction" becomes equal to (or greater than) one, then explosion is possible, which results in death of all room occupants, and a permanently disabled, irremovable room. After seven uses, Slicer status will be at 7/8, it's urgently time for repair. Don't try to get each possible use out of every machine every time: it won't end well. After repair, Slicer status will be 0/7, use it no more than 6 times, then after the next repair, it'll be 0/6, etc. So, for trivia's sake, a new slicer can safely serve 28 patients under optimal circumstances. Soon the Slicer will be an unsafe nuisance with no more useful life and not worth fooling with once it gets to something like 2/4. The good news is the research dept.'s improvements make replacement cheaper, life longer, and maintenance needs lower. A new & improved Slicer could have a starting "use fraction" of 0/18. If I mismanage things and a machine is getting used while it's already at danger level {[x/x] or [(x-1)/x]}, I generally use the replace button as a panic option to avoid risk of explosion and death. Do periodic equipment checks. Take note that as a machine gets near its maintenance point, the game likes to become diabolical at times by sending many patients into the hospital that need to use it. This is what I call "Machine Busting". You can take advantage of the diabolical game to make more money and reputation if you're paying close attention to that room and patient traffic.
zeffyr: Can you provide some screenshots of how you planned your hospital in that level? We may figure out what you did wrong :-)
kingmohd84: thanks for your reply I just cheated, I increased my bank account to $400k and I won the level as I have met all other criteria
On to earthquakes: Earthquakes have one effect relevant to you: they consume a random number of uses on all machines (up to 7). An earthquake is a risk & machinery management exercise. Each earthquake is preceded by a warning jiggle and almost always by a receptionist advertisement. In the event of either, drop everything and check your machine "use fractions". To prepare for an earthquake, have a plan. My policy requires machines enter an earthquake having at least 6 available uses without going past maximum--more if patients are using the room. Passing examples: 0/6, 1/7, 2/8, 3/9. Repair examples: 2/7, 3/8,4/9. Replace examples: 1/6, x/5 x/4. You can be a clever cheapskate by slowing the game, ordering needed repairs, picking up the right handyman, then placing him inside the appropriate room to repair many susceptible machines between the warning jiggle and the quake itself. If you get caught with your pants down, I.e., if a surgery commences, and handyman cannot repair the Operating Table before the damage ensues, use the replace button, the panic option! Never hesitate to replace if it's needed because safety is number one-no deaths, and the room's location is number two. You would have built this hypothetical room pursuant to an efficient, sensible floor plan that is valuable to your operation.
Post edited February 25, 2024 by Jamieisme