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Some minors bugs:

_ BlessedPaths building (40String+30Diamond, G.Radius+2) is blank and out-of-order when just crafted.
It's very alarming as it seems some broking our end of game before winning. But once we quit and reload the game, it's okay (with texts, and working).

_ I had a duplicate villager (okay, it's doesn't seem a bug, it may happen), but he didn't want to have the Crafting+3Bonus from my Smithy building. Again, once we quit and reload the game, he took the bonus like all other villagers.

_ In the Gathering tab, the worked task shown order is not updated when we put a villager on a blank task (they don't become the 1st tasks). Again we must quit and reload for the order to be good (this is needed with BlessedPaths when we have much gather jobs).

_ I won a game, and it made me lose XP!!! from III to III and a half, despite I started at IV. Again, it was just a bad alarm, as once I restarted the game, I had went good from IV to IV and a half (that can be long to reach the Vth god rank).
Post edited August 01, 2017 by ERISS
Other small bugs:

_ Often, on the map, when we clic on the Inventory of the village (top-left pop-up button), it goes to the outdoor party window instead.

_ The Credits don't fit in its window, maybe a DPI problem? (mine is 175%).
Post edited July 21, 2017 by ERISS
_ When we reload a game, the resume incons are not shown in top right of the map.

_ The game warn us we have won, then if we end it it explains us in a big text that we have lost, Thea was not saved.
Post edited August 01, 2017 by ERISS