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This post is in reference to Thea I:

The game has a known problem with corrupting your saves and destroying all progress. This has been raised repeatedly on the forums. The devs either cannot or will not do anything to rectify the situation.

In my case, I had a bluescreen while saving the game, and that was it, all progress was wiped out. Now, I am a compulsive saver, and save frequently just in case something like this happens. So it was possible to restore an earlier save, wiping out all progress made since that save, of course. This was 100 game-days in my case, which frankly I did not want to re-do. I saved much more often than every 100 turns, though, but therein lies the problem:

The point is, because they want to be all "roguelike" and all, there is only one manual save, and your goose is cooked if it becomes corrupt. People have lost far more progress than I: one poor sod was only a few turns from totally completing all the gods when he had this issue. You have to manually back up all your saves, and obviously do it frequently if you don't want to lose a lot of progress. Which of course defeats the purpose of "roguelike" "ironman" play right from the get-go.

This makes me furious enough that I decided to take back my twenty dollars. YMMV, just be aware that there are aggravations in store. The game WILL crash, sooner or later: I was averaging a CTDT once every eight hours or so, and two bluescreens, one which did not occur during save and so I lost no progress, the other as above. This was in three days of gameplay, but I have it on a clunky old lapptop, that may contribute to the problem.

Too bad, it is a lot of fun otherwise.

-- Mal
Post edited November 06, 2022 by malthaussen
malthaussen: ...
I've put in a lot of hours on this game and I have never encountered this. I'm not saying it does not happen. But it does make me wonder if it only occurs on some rigs (and I don't have one of those) or if it only happens to people who use the UI in a certain way (and I don't have that habit).