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in0perable: calranthe, I strongly suggest you read up about "consumer rights" before writing more fairy tales.
Fairy tales that do come true sadly just do a little bit of research on this oh champion of consumer rights.

Let me help you with that
"My account was banned 2 weeks ago when my credit card was stolen. I told my bank to cancel all most recent payments but forgot to tell them the 17.99 charge for PS Plus was an approved charge. I called Sony at 1-800-345-SONY"

"My account was recently banned for a policy called chargeback a week ago. Chargeback is when you get refunded your games which I guess its a big no no. I told account dispute there was a mix up. They told me they arent going to unban my account because of their policy" EA

"Banned from a Credit Card Charge Back.
Hello, my account was banned from doing certain things because of a recent charge back. The reason of this charge back, is because my CC was stolen, and they just charged back all the purchases the credit card was used for. I don't think it's fair that I am being banned from trading, buying games, gifting games, and more. If we could somehow clear this out, because I fear that if I call my CC company and say certain purchases were authorized, they will think I'm frauding them.

The problem here is, is when I go to steam support, and try to get help. They claim they cannot help me. I'm not sure if I have to live with this ban or not, but I'm not very satisfied with this."
Post edited May 19, 2015 by calranthe
Mate, Ryuubei, no one's gonna close your account on the refund claim - if any company would do anything like that they would be reinventing EU consumer laws on their own, and that's simply not possible - even if some conspiracy lovers, urban legend's, fairy tales mambo jumbo believers say :-)
in0perable: calranthe, I strongly suggest you read up about "consumer rights" before writing more fairy tales.
calranthe: Fairy tales that do come true sadly just do a little bit of research on this oh champion of consumer rights.
calranthe: do you homework first, I give you a tip where to start: h**p://
Post edited May 19, 2015 by in0perable
Ryuubei: No, it's a TECHNICAL issue thats preventing me from playing. If you have to injure yourself to play a game, then there's something wrong with it. What's more it's ONLY in the witcher i have this issue. I've over 500 games on steam and i've NEVER encountered this in ANY of them.

As for them banning my account *shrug* it's not like i have anything of major value on my account. A few games i picked up on sale and thats about it, most of which i have on steam anyway. So if they get anal over it and close my account i'm not losing anything.

As for scamming, seriously WTF? Why would i PAY for a game, download it, and then say it's not working to get a refund. When i could of simply gone over to the bay and picked up Witcher 3 20mins after launch for free.

I preordered because i loved the witcher games, and hoped (futilely it seems) that CD Red would have fixed the left handed problem with W3. What's even more insane is they actually made the key rebinding WORSE than it was in Witcher 2. Hell i rebound EVERYTHING i needed in W2 perfectly; other than the damned mouse
You went from being inconvenient to play to injure yourself in order to play...really? I know you are angry and rightly so, I think left handed support and free key binding should be the bare minimum in any game, but try to clear your head and think of the consequences you can face if you dispute a payment based on inconvenience and not actual technical fault.
mmarci: No it doesn't qualify mate. What happens is you will get your money back from your bank by default after the first 24 hours, but then they will contact CDPR to ask them about the details of the purchase. No one will ask about you being left handed or unable to re-bind controls on your keyboard, it is completely unrelated from the bank's perspective, and in the end the bank will re-claim the money from your credit card.

Here's a better idea: Try to appeal to CDPR to give you a refund on the grounds you just mentioned. Or wait a couple days like average people do when something is not working out of the box until it gets fixed.
Ryuubei: Wrong, my bank already issued the refund. Showed them the website, the emails from GOG and explained my issue and why i can't play the game. They sided with me and gave a refund

in0perable: I totally agree - since I got the same issue, razer deathadder left-hand edition in my case, can't remap primary mouse buttons, annoys the hell out of me when playing since I don't freaking know which button I should press at which point - partially you can remap, however some part's aren't considered about that = confusing as hell. That being said, it's the only one game of 110 I got in the Steam Lib that has this kind of Issue. No left-handed people played the game?
Ryuubei: Thats the exact mouse i've got :D

And no, sadly CD Red knew of the problem, they had loads of feed back from it in Witcher 2 which has the EXACT same issue. They simply choose to ignore it, basically discrimination against left handed peeps, which sadly is something we've had to get used to over the years
It is not discrimination not to add a feature.
From their money back gurantee page (emphasis mine):

If, within 30 days after the purchase of your game, you experience technical problems or game-breaking bugs that prevent you from finishing your game, contact our customer support. They will do their best to help you fix the problem and if, at the end of their attempts to solve the problem your game is still not working, we'll give you back your money.
This doesn't qualify for a technical problem (because it is a feature that isn't there) nor a game-breaking bug (in the sense that the game simply can't be completed by anyone), you do not qualify for a refund.
Also, it even says that they will try to solve the problem. Maybe it will come out with a patch within the next few days.
Post edited May 19, 2015 by Lillesort131
Points to his post, yes I know all about consumer rights but consumer rights does NOT stop companies kicking you to the kerb if you use those things.

While in theory your site is right and you are right
Do a quick google search on the thousands of accounts with gaming companies that do get banned for this.
in0perable: Mate, Ryuubei, no one's gonna close your account on the refund claim - if any company would do anything like that they would be reinventing EU consumer laws on their own, and that's simply not possible - even if some conspiracy lovers, urban legend's, fairy tales mambo jumbo believers say :-)
calranthe: Fairy tales that do come true sadly just do a little bit of research on this oh champion of consumer rights.
in0perable: calranthe: do you homework first, I give you a tip where to start: h**p://
While you're right bro, so is he.

Valve are the perfect example of it, they stomp all over consumer rights and basically tell everyone that complains to frag off. Valve were recently told by the EU courts they had to offer refunds, Valve's reply, NO.

It's basically microsoft all over again, and just like microsoft the fines that get levied against them are so small in relation to their income they can basically laugh it off and pay it out of petty cash. But just like MS it'll get sorted eventually, a decade or so down the road.

Sad but true, to many companies trample over consumer rights. Shame it's taking EA of all companies to put both GOG and Valve to shame with their blanket refund policy.

You may return EA full game downloads (PC or Mac) and participating third party titles purchased on Origin for a full refund. Refund requests can be made within 24 hours after you first launch the game, within seven days from your date of purchase, or within seven days from the game’s release date if you pre-ordered, whichever comes first. And if you purchase a new EA game within the first 30 days of its release date and can’t play it due to technical reasons within EA’s control, you can request a refund within 72 hours after you first launch the game instead of 24.
Sure it takes them 2 weeks to give you your refund, but they do give it, without getting anal and arguing.
This doesn't qualify for a technical problem (because it is a feature that isn't there) nor a game-breaking bug (in the sense that the game simply can't be completed by anyone), you do not qualify for a refund.
Also, it even says that they will try to solve the problem. Maybe it will come out with a patch within the next few days.
Technically it's a feature that was removed from the game and replaced with their own settings, so that's a debatable point
Post edited May 19, 2015 by Ryuubei
calranthe: Points to his post, yes I know all about consumer rights but consumer rights does NOT stop companies kicking you to the kerb if you use those things.

While in theory your site is right and you are right
Do a quick google search on the thousands of accounts with gaming companies that do get banned for this.
I wasn't - I tend to build my reality on facts I verified by own experience and not entirely on what someone said, ever tried that? That being said: do a google search on aliens landing on the moon - one could say that they did cause google says so, right?
Post edited May 19, 2015 by in0perable
Ryuubei: Technically it's a feature that was removed from the game and replaced with their own settings, so that's a debatable point
How do you know that this feature ever was there? I suppose it has never been there but I would love to see a source of that claim.
Also, relevant xkcd:
Post edited May 19, 2015 by Lillesort131
in0perable: Mate, Ryuubei, no one's gonna close your account on the refund claim - if any company would do anything like that they would be reinventing EU consumer laws on their own, and that's simply not possible - even if some conspiracy lovers, urban legend's, fairy tales mambo jumbo believers say :-)

calranthe: do you homework first, I give you a tip where to start: h**p://
Ryuubei: While you're right bro, so is he.

Valve are the perfect example of it, they stomp all over consumer rights and basically tell everyone that complains to frag off. Valve were recently told by the EU courts they had to offer refunds, Valve's reply, NO.

It's basically microsoft all over again, and just like microsoft the fines that get levied against them are so small in relation to their income they can basically laugh it off and pay it out of petty cash. But just like MS it'll get sorted eventually, a decade or so down the road.

Sad but true, to many companies trample over consumer rights. Shame it's taking EA of all companies to put both GOG and Valve to shame with their blanket refund policy.

You may return EA full game downloads (PC or Mac) and participating third party titles purchased on Origin for a full refund. Refund requests can be made within 24 hours after you first launch the game, within seven days from your date of purchase, or within seven days from the game’s release date if you pre-ordered, whichever comes first. And if you purchase a new EA game within the first 30 days of its release date and can’t play it due to technical reasons within EA’s control, you can request a refund within 72 hours after you first launch the game instead of 24.
Ryuubei: Sure it takes them 2 weeks to give you your refund, but they do give it, without getting anal and arguing.

This doesn't qualify for a technical problem (because it is a feature that isn't there) nor a game-breaking bug (in the sense that the game simply can't be completed by anyone), you do not qualify for a refund.
Also, it even says that they will try to solve the problem. Maybe it will come out with a patch within the next few days.
Ryuubei: Technically it's a feature that was removed from the game and replaced with their own settings, so that's a debatable point
Valve coudln't say NO in that matter, if they did, they would be limited (like netflix) to IP geo-locations - since Valve isn't - I guess the swallowed the EU directive. If they wouldn't acknowledge consumer rights within their reach of product distribution that would be simply not possible. You can't sell a product from one country to another and say the local laws do not apply cause the product was bought (online) from someone operating from other country. Just think about it a bit :)
errrr nope, Valve still have the same old refund policy, telling you to get stuffed. And yes they did say no to the EU courts, just as they said no when the courts told them to allow people to trade in their steam games
Ryuubei: Technically it's a feature that was removed from the game and replaced with their own settings, so that's a debatable point
Lillesort131: How do you know that this feature ever was there? I suppose it has never been there but I would love to see a source of that claim.
Also, relevant xkcd:
They use a piece of software coding to OVERIDE the hardware coding. That is the crux of the problem. So yes, it's removed because the software overides what the OS is telling the game. The OS tells the game its a left handed mouse set up X way. The software in W3 says screw you i want left handed mice to be Y way. The EXACT same issue that W2 had and still has.
Post edited May 19, 2015 by Ryuubei
Witcher 2 had the same type of issues at launch, so one would expect that they had learned from past mistakes on bindings, etc. I recommend autohotkey if you insist on playing with mouse/keyboard as a lefty, I used it to assign buttons wherever I wanted until they patched W2. Comes in handy for lots of games that give you the middle finger on key binding. Luckily I've avoided the mess this time by using my PS4 controller, which thus far has worked flawlessly.
I think in0perable is a troll or just can not accept that the real world does not follow it to the letter, waving a piece of paper saying "this isn't right it can't happen" just as it actually is happening is kinda crazy.

Like I said in theory you are right and I wish we lived in a world where everyone had there rights both consumer and human rights protected but in reality it is just words on a page with very little muscle behind it.

I have known people first hand who have had accounts banned for this, my advice for the OP in this matter was simply to advise him of what could happen, my sister bought colonial marines on steam and against my advice instead of waiting for steams refund she did a charge back on her card and lost access to her steam account 57 games down the drain and no amount of contact with steam got it sorted.
(in the end she started a new steam account)
I agree with you, OP. Some of the stuff they've done with that release is utterly unacceptable.

No rebind on movement is one among the first: it does indeed make the game unplayable. I guess gog/cdpr don't respect the players that much...

Gosh, I wish I had stick to my first opinion of not getting it...

Well, lesson learned. :P
Post edited May 19, 2015 by Zoidberg
There seem to be a lot of things going on in this thread :o), but I would say that one can get a ChargeBack (assuring that's what it was) from a company and that company might choose to challenge it. Either way, they can still cancel any account/service.

I think that overwhelmingly, the Terms and Conditions set by companies say that they can end the Service. So I think that someone successfully getting a ChargeBack can keep the money and the company may well be in no position to challenge it BUT the company can still legally stop the Service if they want. A company is very often in no way obliged to keep a customer.

So I think there are two issues there.

As for the rest, I think that having a game where you have to use the arrow keys to move, or WASD, is just wrong. I don't think that complete Key Binding on the PC should even be a thing to discuss. It's so simple. This was first an issue over 20 years ago. I don't think this should even be a thing now. It should just be there. The reasons for complete Key Binding have been around for so many years.
calranthe: I think in0perable is a troll or just can not accept that the real world does not follow it to the letter, waving a piece of paper saying "this isn't right it can't happen" just as it actually is happening is kinda crazy.

Like I said in theory you are right and I wish we lived in a world where everyone had there rights both consumer and human rights protected but in reality it is just words on a page with very little muscle behind it.

I have known people first hand who have had accounts banned for this, my advice for the OP in this matter was simply to advise him of what could happen, my sister bought colonial marines on steam and against my advice instead of waiting for steams refund she did a charge back on her card and lost access to her steam account 57 games down the drain and no amount of contact with steam got it sorted.
(in the end she started a new steam account)
Huh, like I said, I do base my reality on own experience, not theory - since I didn't experienced what you describe (or theorize about) it does not make me a troll, or does it? Let's agree to disagree then, this discussion isn't helping anyone at this point.