LameWarrior: Press SHIFT.
I do. The problem with this is twofold. First, I shouldn't have to. If I have run toggled on, then Geralt should run. Period. He should never walk or creep, as he often does when in combat. If I want him walking, I'll toggle back to walk. But when I toggle to run, I want him running, no matter what. This is how both W1 and W2 behaved, it's how W3 should behave as well.
Secondly and even more frustratingly, even when I do hold down Shift to try and run away, Geralt is constantly stopping to turn and face the enemy I'm trying to run away from, and he starts creeping again!!!
That's just maddening.
DocDoomII: You can't run when combat is engaged.
I could in both W1 and W2, I should be able to in W3 as well. If I toggle run, then Geralt needs to run. Period. If I want him walking/creeping, I'll toggle that manually. It's incredibly frustrating that CDPR assumes that for me, because they're always doing it when I don't want it. Much like the damned auto-sheath for the sword.
Just keep the sword out till I put it away, dammit! And let me run when I want to run, dammit!
These are pretty basic game design concepts.
(Sorry, not yelling at you personally.)