Thrawn.776: Unfortunately there are many music tracks missing (as it was with Witcher 2 or Batman Arkham City as examples).
EvanTheJet: This is true. There is at least 6 hours of recorded music (if not more), while the official soundtrack weighs in somewhere in the 70-80 minute range. I tend to prefer the more ambient tracks (I particularly love the music that plays when you are just outside the city walls south of Novigrad), but alas the majority of those tracks are not included on the official soundtrack.
I could swear I read somewhere that CDPR was considering doing an expanded release, and I for one would totally buy it. Fantastic, fantastic score.
I love the music during Geralt's talk with Red Baron's daughter (it's also used during Jaskier's Velen cut\load scene).
@TBreaker20 - it's on youtube (all language versions). When you look more carefully you can even find a version without the spaces between verses.
Well, If they don't give us the possibiity to buy a True Extended OST I will do what I've done with Witcher 2 music. Rip it out of the game. It was very hard and frustrating but now I can listen to all those fantastic tracks when I want to.