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-nLz-: when 1.12 will come to us?!
"Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?"

It'll come when it's ready.
-nLz-: when 1.12 will come to us?!
Hickory: "Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?"

It'll come when it's ready.
I think what most people find annoying is that they have to wait, without knowing for how long they are going to have to. To be honest, I would prefer if CDPR would communicate their plans a little more open. That being said I would not mind if they were not able to release a patch as planned (because problem <x> takes longer to fix thant expected), as long as they would be open about it and say something like "Patch <n> will be released about <t> days later because problem <x>". On the other side, I'd generally prefer a more rapid release cycle (as mentioned in this thread).

Unfortunately I am very well aware of the fact that people get annoyed easily and will demand patches no matter CDPR communication policy and furthermore they will get angry if CDPR is not able to meet the promised release date.
Post edited January 05, 2016 by Azulath
Azulath: I think what most people find annoying is that they have to wait, without knowing for how long they are going to have to.
There's a very simple explanation for that: because CDPR don't know when it's going to be ready. If they don't know, how the hell do you expect them to tell the public at large? It's not a thing that you can plan a release date (to the nearest day) for way in advance. What's more, if CDPR were to give an estimation, the public would pounce on them from a mighty height if it were 5 minutes late. As I said, it will be ready when it's ready.
Hickory: There's a very simple explanation for that: because CDPR don't know when it's going to be ready. If they don't know, how the hell do you expect them to tell the public at large? It's not a thing that you can plan a release date (to the nearest day) for way in advance.
I think CDPR knows to some degree when the patch will be ready (or at least how much progress they are making). Besides, they have to send the patch to Sony and Mircosoft for testing in advance and afaik their testing takes a while as well.

Hickory: What's more, if CDPR were to give an estimation, the public would pounce on them from a mighty height if it were 5 minutes late. As I said, it will be ready when it's ready.
In my opinion thats the biggest problem and CDPR would receive a stronger backlash from the community by being late, than by saying as little as necessary.
Lukin86: Right now they are focused on the new extension of the witcher 3 and above on the "game" Cyberpunk 2077. This is why the patch are now long out. Cd project is a small team and the most important thing is that they continue to leave the patch for the game even though the period may be long.
They said they wouldn't be putting a whole lot of focus on 2077 just yet. They want to improve W3 and release the rest of the DLC . . . I mean, expansion.
I get that the game has won over 6 gorillion awards, buy seriously CDPR stop fucking updating your twitter with that shit and give us news on patch 1.12. We know that it is game of the decade, we just want it fixed.
Post edited January 05, 2016 by Awkiba
Hickory: There's a very simple explanation for that: because CDPR don't know when it's going to be ready. If they don't know, how the hell do you expect them to tell the public at large? It's not a thing that you can plan a release date (to the nearest day) for way in advance.
Azulath: I think CDPR knows to some degree when the patch will be ready (or at least how much progress they are making). Besides, they have to send the patch to Sony and Mircosoft for testing in advance and afaik their testing takes a while as well.
Of course. I would be very surprised if they never had an in-house plan, but that's not what I meant, and I think you know it. I meant that CDPR do not know, to the satisfaction of rabid forum users, when the patch will be released, and they are very sensible to keep it to themselves, for the very reason of rabid users.

Hickory: What's more, if CDPR were to give an estimation, the public would pounce on them from a mighty height if it were 5 minutes late. As I said, it will be ready when it's ready.
In my opinion thats the biggest problem and CDPR would receive a stronger backlash from the community by being late, than by saying as little as necessary.
Exactly my point above.
They have set dates twice now . . . so yeah, they are late.
Post edited January 06, 2016 by Awkiba
Awkiba: They have set dates twice now
Where? When?
. . . so yeah, they are late.
No, they're not.
Awkiba: They have set dates twice now
Hickory: Where? When?

. . . so yeah, they are late.
Hickory: No, they're not.
December, then new year's Day . . . so yeah they did. They set a time frame, then a day.
Post edited January 06, 2016 by Awkiba
Hickory: Where? When?

No, they're not.
Awkiba: December, then new year's Day . . . so yeah they did. They set a time frame, then a day.
No, they did not set dates. What happened was two random comments on social media gave 'maybe' dates. The day you get an *official* public announcement that the patch will be release on 'XX' day of 'XXX' month, THEN you can say they gave a date. A hopeful time frame given by a facebook comment is not an official announcement.
I think we all agree that their estimation of the next patch release was inaccurate, but that is not a big deal. This game is huge and amazing. It already takes a long time to play through it without any expansions; I imagine patching it would take much time too. Also, I would rather have them do it right than rushed.
Storm1703: I think we all agree that their estimation of the next patch release was inaccurate, but that is not a big deal. This game is huge and amazing. It already takes a long time to play through it without any expansions; I imagine patching it would take much time too. Also, I would rather have them do it right than rushed.

That being said, I didn't have any severe issues with the game since launch and the more glaring problems have been ironed out in past patches, none of which broke the game for me. I can understand those that have game breaking problems and that they want them fixed asap though.
Post edited January 08, 2016 by k4ZE106
k4ZE106: That being said, I didn't have any severe issues with the game since launch ...
Me neither, and although I understand that people who are having issues find them rather annyoing, I suppose only the minority of players has them.
Storm1703: I think we all agree that their estimation of the next patch release was inaccurate, but that is not a big deal. This game is huge and amazing. It already takes a long time to play through it without any expansions; I imagine patching it would take much time too. Also, I would rather have them do it right than rushed.
My Witcher 3 just started upgrading :D
Please, somebody tell me that the -1 Enemy Bug has been fixed.