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Hi, I have a huge problem and can't continue with this nilfgaard quest: in the cave of Hendriks house there is a candle that should open a hidden room ... not for me. I can do anything but no "E" button is possible. Can anybody help me? Thanks in advance

Ich habe ein Problem mit der Nilfgaard quest, im Keller von Hendriks Hütte sollte man die Kerze anklicken können, damit sich ein geheimer Raum öffnet ... klappt bei mir nicht, egal von wo ich mich nähere, kein "E" erscheint oder ist möglich. Bitte um Hilfe, vielen Dank
Try saving the game and then re-loading. This is a common bug in many games (non-functioning interactables), and is usually cured by saving and reloading.
I tried saving and reloading ... no impact, I can't interact with this candle

ok, now it works ... don't now why, thanks
Post edited April 15, 2016 by ditho