backmechuisa: not only korean, other lang user need their own too
why isnt there in download server.
problem? or just kind of timed block?
i dont know. but its kinda hard to wait for playing witcher 3
green.anger: On the right panel of the game page on GOG site it says Korean (if I used Google Translate correctly) coming soon. I think you'll need to wait.
this problem is quite complex
first of all, yesterday in korea, PS4 witcher 3 has released and it has KOR text local
but today, PC user doesnt heard of any notice then suddenly KOR text disappeared.
and support team of CDPR says that "PC kor local(text only) will released with Japan local(text and voice) same day"
this situation makes whole korean gamer pissed off and makes crazy.
first, no notice at before.
two, In PC release day, (eng,itl,ger,pol,arb,chin,rus,braz,hug all ok but)only kor local pack has dropped(and CDPR said its "just mistake")
three, in japan, official release day is 21th. so they just waiting in time. but in korea, offline and online market advertise "Its perfectly text localized and its releases today" and they cheat us.
four, still CDPR doesn't say any comment or message or apology.
five, Japan? why japan localizing has tied with kor text pack? why? no reason or explanation
six, this situation is like that
"oops, we did mistake that misses polish text pack, so after three day later, we send you to this data at the German lang pack release day"
I already send payback request, and I dont know, some korean doesnt mind, but other one(and most of them) very angry.
who had to blame? useless publishers of kor? or CDPR?
one thing is clear.
this happening is very disappointed and very upset.