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Hi one and all
I have a question i would like to through out there for some clarity on my play style
First forgive my bad grammer and spelling.
I am as of this moment in time level 35
Main quest option up to "find Ciri in Skellige"
Secoundary quest uo to "missing Persons"
I have 8-9 quests to play with as well on the go.
Several witcher gear still to complete and treasure hunts.

My question being i have played many hours and i find i like to exsplore everything. my level being 35 as of now i find alot of the questing still procides only level 12 up. i have still along way to go i know.
Is this ok ? is it alright to do as in exsplore and keep getting alot options that are way lower than my level demands.
Or should i move on with my main quest more ?.

some insight would be great i just love this game and don't won't to end to quick.

Also i some time play the game through GOGgalxy exe but it says i have only played for 35 hours.
And i have also just played by lunching the Game exe on my desck top this i have found reduces some of the micro stutter i have been getting in built up areas. but when i go into char stats it say i have played for only 17 hours.
Post edited June 28, 2015 by nkvdcrazyivan
If you're having fun, continue. If you're not having fun, adjust accordingly.

And the in-game stat for how long you've played is notoriously inaccurate for just about everyone I've seen mention it.
nkvdcrazyivan: Hi one and all
I have a question i would like to through out there for some clarity on my play style
First forgive my bad grammer and spelling.
I am as of this moment in time level 35
Main quest option up to "find Ciri in Skellige"
Secoundary quest uo to "missing Persons"
I have 8-9 quests to play with as well on the go.
Several witcher gear still to complete and treasure hunts.

My question being i have played many hours and i find i like to exsplore everything. my level being 35 as of now i find alot of the questing still procides only level 12 up. i have still along way to go i know.
Is this ok ? is it alright to do as in exsplore and keep getting alot options that are way lower than my level demands.
Or should i move on with my main quest more ?.

some insight would be great i just love this game and don't won't to end to quick.

Also i some time play the game through GOGgalxy exe but it says i have only played for 35 hours.
And i have also just played by lunching the Game exe on my desck top this i have found reduces some of the micro stutter i have been getting in built up areas. but when i go into char stats it say i have played for only 17 hours.
I agree with 227, play the game in whatever way you find to be entertaining/fun. That's kind of part of the whole point of huge open world games to a large degree - to encourage the gamer to create their own unique story and sequence of events. There is no right or wrong quest to do next for the most part. Sure, some quests have to be done before others as part of the main story line, and other quests don't open up until some other quests are completed or certain events transpire but that's just a natural part of the way games and stories are put together. There is a beginning and there are allegedly several endings but the middle part - the way the story unfolds and the order in which a large part of it happens is entirely up to you and how you choose to play the game.

Choices have consequences, both good and bad. So depending on how you play you may end up doing all of the quests in an order which is appropriate for the level of your character or you may play them in any other order possibly doing higher level quests before you're that high of a level, and other quests when you're well beyond the particular recommended minimum level.

One thing to note though, is there are several major key turning points in the overall story and once you activate certain quests and proceed along the main story at certain times - some quests that were not completed may no longer be available any more, or may be cleared from your quest log as "failed" or otherwise disappear, while others may remain listed as not yet completed but there is no way to proceed with them anymore because the option to communicate with someone about it is no longer there.

So it's good to not leave some quests sitting around for too long, but there are only a small number of quests that auto-fail or vanish or become otherwise non-completable if you wait around for any reason. Some of these may be bugs, while others are due to factors and conditions in the game changing over time that some quests no longer can be completed as a result of. As an example, I have a quest to talk to Triss about this statuette I bought which is a quest item. But at the time, the only option that showed up when I talked to Triss was to continue upon the main quest line quests to which she was a part of the main story. The option to talk to her about the statuette has never ever showed up as an option for me so I am never able to proceed with this quest. Then at a certain point she leaves with others to do something and is gone from the game for quite a long time so there is no way to even talk to her. The next time you see her again is in Kaer Morhen a long time later and there is some really busy stuff going on where you don't get to relax and smell the roses and chat up Triss about random things so I could never talk about it then either. Now she's back in Novigrad at Dandelion's pub and I had a chance to talk to her and she wants me to do some other quest stuff and wont give me the option to talk about the statuette still.

I think it's a bug in the game, or at best it is an oversight in this particular statuette quest that they never let Triss let you bring it up. I can't think of any reason why not to let me ask her about it and do the quest, but suffice it to say the game wont friggen let me do that quest no matter what, and all I can do is wait and hope that at some point Triss takes a break and lets me ask her about the statuette.

I also avoided the High Stakes quest for a long time because my gwent deck wasn't quite good enough and I wanted to build it out more. Eventually I progressed the main story line along far enough that the game decided to say "screw you, you don't want to enter the tournament yet, well then you are never getting a chance to do so" and the quest got marked as "failed" for no reason - I never actually played in the tournament, so I missed out on that one.

But there's no way to know what quests will cancel or kill other quests so you can avoid missing out on a particular quest, it's all random guesswork for the most part. Obviously if a quest involves a particular character and that character were to die, be captured, or be unavailable for some other reason then a quest would be either temporarily stuck or straight out non-doable, but some of these quests are just broken in that regard because like I said - Triss is right in front of my face and not involved in a high tension critical moment in the game, we're shooting the breeze on a balcony - yet it wont let me talk to her about my quest.

So the take home is - play however you want, do whatever you want, but realize that some quests might get cancelled out or fail for some reason if not completed in a certain order or before certain events transpire in the game timeline. The only way to truly see every single quest in the game 100% I think would be to follow the game through a linear walkthrough/strategy guide that tells you a particular order to do things in, which in effect would turn this non-linear game into a rather linear one. It'd still likely be fun but it would lose out on a major element of choice that games like this offer, as well as losing out on the element of random exploration.

Explore, fight and be merry!
Thank you both for your reply
Skeletonbow you hit the nail on the head.
I like completing all the misions before moving on as you have said.
so i feel now more than ever my game at the moment is playing out as entended.

I am a creature of habit i want to make every one happy so i will continue to seek and destroy and complete as the game allows my mision
I just finished the game. Wow, what an epic experience that was. After the credits roll you are in Kaer Morhen and are free to roam around and complete quests or do whatever you want that you didn't get around to yet if it is still available.

I didn't know what to do so I ran down the main hill leading to the fortress and ran around in the wilderness beating up bears with my bare fists. There were 5 bears in a very close area all together and I ran in and started punching the crap out of them LOL. I killed all 5 of them and only lost about 1/4" of my health bar with a couple lucky shots they got on me. Now I want to go swimming and punch that whale that shows up from time to time. :)

No idea how to kill the level 48 archgriffin located on Snidhall Isle north of Ard Skellige though, that thing is more tough than the entire Wild Hunt FFS! LOL
I think that I've killed this sob really really easy...the third time that I tried to kill him,I was lvl33 so I tried to do what I've red..hit only once and roll, some potions,quen shield was very effective as I avoided some lethal strikes,after I have hit him for 5-6 times (his energy bar hadn't decreased at all)I stroke him with an arrow as he was in the sky and he fell off...he fell of the cliff and suddenly Gérard stopped being in fight mode..I waited I've searched all the area,and after I looted the treasure. I started to run down the cliff from the side of the I reached the sea I found arch griffin's dead body in the only took me 3-4minutes and it was more easy than I ve a mater of fact I believe that it was a lag of the game so I will try to kill him again..if anyone had a similar experience I would like to know..thnx for reading Thanasis from Greece