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(reposted from the General Discussion forum, where I accidentally made the original post)

Hi all,

I've encountered the dreaded infinite loading screen, during the Open Sesame quest. It happens at the beginning of the heist, after the cutscenes where Geralt and gang climb the tower to infiltrate the Borsodi estate. It happens right after they pick up the wooden swords. I've looked at this part in Youtube and it's when game is supposed to transition from the cutscene to player control.

Some info and how I've tried to diagnose:
Running Win10 x64 with GOG (non GOTY) with all DLC's, version 1.31A with 32 mods.

Steps to attempt to fix:

- Uninstall all mods and verify game files
- (then) stash all inventory at Novigrad
- (then) quick travel to Velen
- (then) ran safedevelop mod

- Reinistalled mods
- (then) load previous save game
- (then) choose different safecracker
- (then) ran cleardevelop command

Any ideas or suggestions on how I should proceed ? I'm really really sad, as I was enjoying immensily the HoS story. :(


PS: Additional info, never hurts:
Mods list:
"Not a Mod - Unification patch" - mod0000____CompilationTrigger
"Not a Mod - MergedFiles" - mod0000_MergedFiles
"Always Dismember " - modAlwaysDismember
"Always Full Exp (GOTY)-820-1-31" - modAlwaysFullExp
"AutoLoot Configurable All-in-One" - modAutoLootMenu
"Better Combat Enhanced Update" - modBCEm_ChefsSpecial
"Better Than Icons" - modBetterThanIconsFull_ENG
"Blood" - modBlood_Lexars
"Witcher Book Collection " - modBookCollection
"modBootstrap and Utilities" - modBootstrap
"Clear Lighting in Toussaint" - modClearToussaintLighting
"Custom Localization Fix" - modCustomLocalizationFix
"Disable storybook videos" - moddisablestorybooks
"Friendly HUD" - modFriendlyHUD
"Lore-friendly Witchers" - modGerskin
"Lore-friendly Witchers" - modGerskinHoS
"The Witcher 3 HD Reworked Project" - modHDReworkedProject
"modIceBreath" - modIceBreath
"Immersive Cam" - modImmersiveCam
"Improved Sign effects" - modImprovedSigneffects
"Jump in Shallow Water (updated)" - modJumpInShallowWater
"More Blood" - modKNGBlood
"All Quest Objectives On Map - Full" - modMapQuestObjectivesFull
"Dynamic HUD Medallion" - modMedallion
"No Dirty Lens Effect" - modNoDirtyLensEffect
"Preparations Mod" - modPreparation
"All NPC Scabbards 1.22 including DLC" - modScabbards
"Mutagen Dissolution" - modTenzMutagenDissolution
"Weather Enhanced" - modWeathersEnhanced
"Wiedzmin Lighting Mod" - modWiedzminLigtingIISunSwamp2
"Lore-friendly Witchers" - modWitchereye
"Sort Everything" - modSortEverything

Basic HW Specs:
Intel Core i7 930 2.8@4.0Ghz
12Gb DDR3
2x Nvidia Geforce GTX 670 - SLI (latest driver installed)
Samsung SSD 850 Evo
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king_elves: Running Win10 x64 with GOG (non GOTY) with all DLC's, version 1.31A with 32 mods.
1. Read the caveat for the game on the game page re. Windows 10 and compatibility.
2. Remove (NOT disable) ALL mods. Even if you do, you still may be screwed since vital data is stored in saved games.
Would it be worth it to install the GOTY edition and try to load the save there ?
king_elves: Would it be worth it to install the GOTY edition and try to load the save there ?
The GOTY edition is exactly the same. The only difference is it's bundled as a single installer.
It's your mods.

Hopefully you keep older save games and just play through that quest without mods.

I have a mod that let me quick travel from anywhere, but some quests have script that force mandatory events, and this bypass them, which results in infinite loading screen.

I think the game in itself have lots of issues, Skyrim have tons of mods as well but doesn't break as badly.
Post edited May 10, 2017 by eksasol
eksasol: It's your mods.

Hopefully you keep older save games and just play through that quest without mods.

I have a mod that let me quick travel from anywhere, but some quests have script that force mandatory events, and this bypass them, which results in infinite loading screen.

I think the game in itself have lots of issues, Skyrim have tons of mods as well but doesn't break as badly.
Well, I have tried uninstalling the mods but I hadn't restarted the quest. Perhaps I need to replay it all the way from the start, when it's first given to the player ?

For now, I'm trying to move to the other related quest (Dead Man's Party) and will later try to come back to this one.

/edit, I ended up installling the GOTY (didn't fix the issue btw) and have both versions side-by-side. Perhaps this will be useful for debugging or playing through some areas with an unmodded game.
Post edited May 10, 2017 by king_elves
I saw a similar problem here (I can't post any links now so you will have to google that and it will be the first link in the search results) "forums.nexusmods help getting witcher 3 to run with mods" but his problem was (like mine) not being able to load the game at all just a process in task manager anyway I am trying to connect the dots here What is similar between me, you and him that the three of us use "All Quest Objectives On Map" along with some other mods that some are similar and some are not and I will be looking into that later but right now I want you (just like I told the other guy) to disable (delete) All Quest Objectives On Map mod, delete the merge in script merger, refresh conflicts,remerge the remaining mods and try to load the game again and tell me what happens when you do so (that What fixed the problem for me and right now I am trying to find the mod that is causing the conflict with All Quest Objectives On Map but I am a bit lazy to do it right now :D).
Post edited May 14, 2017 by mostafa_0017
Well after comparing our mods list I found that the similar mods that we have in common are

All Quest Objectives On Map

AlwaysFullExp 1.31

with the "All Quest Objectives On Map" being the mod in question and "HDReworkedProject" being a non-script mod I started to disable the other mods and turns out that the conflict is happening because of "Bootstrap" it's a shame since I have been using it for Increased Draw Distance and without it the mod would break :( gonna tell the mod author and see If he can fix it.
I am currently waiting for your confirmation after you try so that I send the author an incompatibility report.
mostafa_0017: I am currently waiting for your confirmation after you try so that I send the author an incompatibility report.
Hi mostafa,

I have been away with lots of work this past week. I'll look into this during the next week.

mostafa_0017: I am currently waiting for your confirmation after you try so that I send the author an incompatibility report.
king_elves: Hi mostafa,

I have been away with lots of work this past week. I'll look into this during the next week.

Well OK you try and tell me ASAP, I haven't sent the mod author any reports yet.
king_elves: Hi mostafa,

I have been away with lots of work this past week. I'll look into this during the next week.

mostafa_0017: Well OK you try and tell me ASAP, I haven't sent the mod author any reports yet.
No good. First I uninstalled mod modMapQuestObjectivesFull. Then I uninstalled modBootstrap (along with modMedallion).

I fear my save game has some irrecoverable issue. :(
mostafa_0017: Well OK you try and tell me ASAP, I haven't sent the mod author any reports yet.
king_elves: No good. First I uninstalled mod modMapQuestObjectivesFull. Then I uninstalled modBootstrap (along with modMedallion).

I fear my save game has some irrecoverable issue. :(
Hmmmmmmmm that's sad to hear well can you remember weather this problem occurred after or before you installed modbootstrap and/or modMapquestobjectivesfull ??
king_elves: (reposted from the General Discussion forum, where I accidentally made the original post)

Hi all,

I've encountered the dreaded infinite loading screen, during the Open Sesame quest. It happens at the beginning of the heist, after the cutscenes where Geralt and gang climb the tower to infiltrate the Borsodi estate. It happens right after they pick up the wooden swords. I've looked at this part in Youtube and it's when game is supposed to transition from the cutscene to player control.

Some info and how I've tried to diagnose:
Running Win10 x64 with GOG (non GOTY) with all DLC's, version 1.31A with 32 mods.

Steps to attempt to fix:

- Uninstall all mods and verify game files
- (then) stash all inventory at Novigrad
- (then) quick travel to Velen
- (then) ran safedevelop mod

- Reinistalled mods
- (then) load previous save game
- (then) choose different safecracker
- (then) ran cleardevelop command

Any ideas or suggestions on how I should proceed ? I'm really really sad, as I was enjoying immensily the HoS story. :(


PS: Additional info, never hurts:
Mods list:
"Not a Mod - Unification patch" - mod0000____CompilationTrigger
"Not a Mod - MergedFiles" - mod0000_MergedFiles
"Always Dismember " - modAlwaysDismember
"Always Full Exp (GOTY)-820-1-31" - modAlwaysFullExp
"AutoLoot Configurable All-in-One" - modAutoLootMenu
"Better Combat Enhanced Update" - modBCEm_ChefsSpecial
"Better Than Icons" - modBetterThanIconsFull_ENG
"Blood" - modBlood_Lexars
"Witcher Book Collection " - modBookCollection
"modBootstrap and Utilities" - modBootstrap
"Clear Lighting in Toussaint" - modClearToussaintLighting
"Custom Localization Fix" - modCustomLocalizationFix
"Disable storybook videos" - moddisablestorybooks
"Friendly HUD" - modFriendlyHUD
"Lore-friendly Witchers" - modGerskin
"Lore-friendly Witchers" - modGerskinHoS
"The Witcher 3 HD Reworked Project" - modHDReworkedProject
"modIceBreath" - modIceBreath
"Immersive Cam" - modImmersiveCam
"Improved Sign effects" - modImprovedSigneffects
"Jump in Shallow Water (updated)" - modJumpInShallowWater
"More Blood" - modKNGBlood
"All Quest Objectives On Map - Full" - modMapQuestObjectivesFull
"Dynamic HUD Medallion" - modMedallion
"No Dirty Lens Effect" - modNoDirtyLensEffect
"Preparations Mod" - modPreparation
"All NPC Scabbards 1.22 including DLC" - modScabbards
"Mutagen Dissolution" - modTenzMutagenDissolution
"Weather Enhanced" - modWeathersEnhanced
"Wiedzmin Lighting Mod" - modWiedzminLigtingIISunSwamp2
"Lore-friendly Witchers" - modWitchereye
"Sort Everything" - modSortEverything

Basic HW Specs:
Intel Core i7 930 2.8@4.0Ghz
12Gb DDR3
2x Nvidia Geforce GTX 670 - SLI (latest driver installed)
Samsung SSD 850 Evo
just disable the autoloot and run the game
Post edited September 06, 2021 by lype12
I know it's kind a late, but better late then never, one way to fix this is to do with stash chest, I had this infinite loading screen right at the same place, exactly after Geralt and rest of the heist crew stop bickering and pick up the wooden swords, I was testing everything out and just couldn't find the way to fix it, but after exhausting tests, I found the solution, and it worked for me, it turned out that I had stashed some vital items in that chest (I had mod Unrestricted Move-Sell quest items!), I moved everything what was inside back to my inventory and 'Vola, infinite loading screen was gone and it worked as intended, hopefully this information helps!.

Note: Alright I pinpointed the exact item, it's the wooden sword, I stashed this quest item from quest (crimson avenger), and it was the item that caused the infinite loading screen in (Heist) quest!.
Post edited March 30, 2022 by Sandis