ryu_15: Hi guys , i have 2 extra codes of the both expansion, any 1 willing to trade them for a ps4 code? If no one has... Willing to give it for free, shouldn't be a waste and nope its not worth selling.. Thank you [will email you the both codes for the first Reply ] or if you have ps4 codes ..
TT_TT_TT_TT: Hey - sadly dont have any PS4 code to offer and own the expansions myself already.
If you dont want your keys to get to waste and also make sure that the keys dont get picked up by anybody who wants to resell them for their own benefit i would recommend forwarding them to moonshineshadow in the community Giveaway here -
https://www.gog.com/forum/general/the_community_giveaway (I could forward them there for you as well). By this you would ensure that the keys go to a deserving member of the community.
Ok i will give you the keys , send me a private message or post your Email.