samcoppock: I have a PC which can run the game at 1080p with all setting maxed out with a FPS which varied from 40-55
Would i be better off capping the FPS at 30 or allowing up to 60?
Personally, I'm OK with playing games at 30 FPS, but there is a noticable difference to 60 FPS. 60 is just smooth as silk and if there is any chance to achieve it without making the game look like crap, I would go for it.
My suggestion would be to lower the Foilage Visibility Range from "Ultra" to "High", as High looks almost as good as Ultra but it saves quite a few of FPS, and I would disable the Hairworks. I think default hair looks good enough as it is, and Hairworks will again cost you quite a few FPS.
With these two changes alone you might already get close to the 60 in outdoor areas.
I usually also lower shadow quality because I don't really need pixel perfect shadows.