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Hickory: Stop trying to wheedle out of what you said. It's been quoted for you, lest you forgot. Integrity. Got any concept of it?
Bleed: I really don't know what's my fault here, giving someone false information? Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty?
I've yet to see anyone on these forums complain that GoG is selling censored versions (apart from that Witcher 2 hit and miss). -- Again, i have't read every piece of info oh here, but i would think something this controversial would surface on it's own.

And here is my proof, maybe you'll get off my back :

Everyone who buys Witcher 3 on (or redeems the nVidia promo code) will get the uncensored version of the game.
You just don't get it, do you? I am going to quote you again:
"I'm totally and completely sure there is no censored version of Witcher, even if you look for it."

You are *totally* and *completely* sure that *there is no censored version* of Witcher, *even if you look for it*.

Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong.

You see, you never said there is no censored version on GOG, you said there is no censored version (anywhere), even if you look for it. You are wrong, but you won't just admit it. Now, if you had come back and said something like, "bad choice of words", or "fair enough", this discussion would not be taking place, but you continue to try to defend your original statement.
Damn, people here will crucify you for not spelling everything to the letter. Glad to see those rep. points are well deserved.
Post edited November 16, 2015 by Bleed
Bleed: Damn, people here will crucify you for not spelling everything to the letter. Glad to see those rep. points are well deserved.
It has nothing to do with spelling anything to the letter. It's about what you said, and what you tried to deny you said. Heck, it was even you that added fuel to this by continuing to bring it up while accusing me of having no concept of present and future -- whatever that had to do with anything. I was quite content to let it go at my original reply to you. I'm content to let it go now, so just drop it.