darkness58ec: Considering the scope of the game, does the fact that an achievement for the card game not working mean the game and/or cding is a "pos" buggy mess?
I understand a little frustration with the bug. But people seem really caught up on this achievement stuff. Did you not collect all the cards if the achievement doesn't pop up on your screen? I mean, come on.
so what you're trying to tell me is its suppose to be acceptable for achievements this big and takes this many hours to complete to be this broken and bugged? ya ok buddy...maybe if this amateur staff actually did bug testing and didnt just make people pay full retail price to be lab testing rats then 6 months later there still wouldnt be this many bugs with their game...quality assurance and frustations in triple A games are running amock. Its quite pathetic what corporations are getting away with releasing to their paying customers...maybe if they just axed the achievement altogether people wouldnt be complaining this much..but there are ALOT of completionist out there that only play these games that are fun to them to finish up the achievements..the games lose their flavors fast and the achievements help to add longetivity to them. Dont blame the consumer for such poor coding, customer service/quality assurance...blame the corporations that are ruining the gaming experience and making it only about the bottom line and releasing broken product after broken product in hopes it can be patched at a later date (see the flurry of 2014/15 triple A games that released this way). Imo whole industry just needs to tank for their piggy banks to become affected. Maybe then they could get back to giving a fun WORKING game at launch instead of rushed broken products they cant even fix where sheep like you make up excuse after excuse like "no big deal". This took literally HOURS upon HOURS x 20-40 to copmlete, was suppose to be fixed in a patch 1.08 people waited MONTHS on and this is what I get from tech support:
PC Support <pc_support@cdprojektred.com>
2:22 AM (7 hours ago)
to me
I'm sorry about the issue with "Card Collector" achievement that you encountered and thank you for the feedback. Our development team is currently working on the fix for this issue.
Apologies for the inconvenience.
So now I'll get to wait more months because these kinds of bugs wasnt found prior to launch...and believe you me if this wasnt the only bug I wouldnt be half as mad...but with this game its been bug with this quest, bug with that quest, cant clear this marker, or that one....cant finish this treasure hunt...oh that teir 4 skill doesnt work as described its bugged, oh the only combat is roll and quick attack because of lazy development not putting more effort into coding for the combat/parrying/skills. But it was hyped up in the commercials to be SO MUCH of something else, until you unwrap it and get to what corporate rushed it to be. So ya, its a combo of ALOT of frustrations at this point and bigger problem is, its still one of the better games of the year...complete garbage games coming out in 2014/2015, slap in the face for gamers..think im close to retirement from my what used to be fun hobby thanks to corporations RUINING it.