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Switched to easiest, only level 5 which doesn't help but that's the context, not much food spend most when searching in dark (sigh) and getting poisoned.

It's the darkness main quest part during chapter 2, guardian golem I suppose I have no way to escape and come back later better equipped?

I'll try search some guide in case there's a button to kill the golem. :=)
Senestoj: Switched to easiest, only level 5 which doesn't help but that's the context, not much food spend most when searching in dark (sigh) and getting poisoned.

It's the darkness main quest part during chapter 2, guardian golem I suppose I have no way to escape and come back later better equipped?

I'll try search some guide in case there's a button to kill the golem. :=)
You can beat the golem at level 5. Use your Quen sign, and keep an eye on him: he broadcasts when he is about to attack. Just get out of his way, the jump back in and wail on him, since he takes some time to resume his attack. Just keep at it.
I agree with Hickory. If you just charge at it, it will crush you! I also had problems with the golem the first time around. Patience is key. The best strategy is this:

1. Cast quen and make sure it is active. (Recast it everytime it runs out)
2. Move around and stay out of the golem's way. Whenever it charges at you roll away - then get in a few hits while it recovers. Try to constantly stay behind it - for example when it focuses on Keira Metz.
3. If the golem hits you roll away and recast quen before continuing the fight.
4. NEVER just keep hitting it - this will get you killed. The Witcher 3 combat system is very much like the one in the Souls games; i.e. you have to fight carefully and never go "all in" against enemies - particularly big ones like golems or gargoyles. Hit it once or twice and then roll away / dodge.
5. Repeat until it bites the dust :-)

This dungeon is (in my opinion) actually the most difficult in the entire original game because you can enter it at a rather low level (like you have). You will encounter more difficult enemies than the golem there unfortunately. You probably don't have any useful oils at this point, but you should have the thunderbolt potion from the griffin fight in White Orchard. Be sure to chug this before the fight also.

In general: Always keep more than one save-file. Whenever you take on a big quest save the game before hand and do not overwrite. There are a lot of quests and encounters where your level means a lot for the difficulty level. For a player like you - who finds the timing demands hard to fulfill - this dungeon is a nightmare, because many of the encounters are very timing dependent.
Why Qen ? I don't think I tried it against it.

Right not really game over but load back, it feels bit like a game over.

I think I'll just load back up to end of chapter 1 I was seeking too much quests not higher level that's why I started this quest at level 4 not far to level 5.

It will break a bit the charm of first play but anyway this load back before quest beginning is quite far plus this quest was the lower level quest I had.
Senestoj: Why Qen ? I don't think I tried it against it.
It's not for the golem, it's for Geralt. It's a protection sign for in case the golem gets a hit in.
Yeah I don't know/forgot the signs, loaded back to chapter 1 to realize level 3 seems pretty standard, I'll try anyway check most "?" before continue to chapter 2.

A base problem I have with combats is I need use roll I can't get used to a modifier and would like double tap was roll. If it's not changing the combats will make me stop play the game, as I play them they are too basic it won't last all along and I'll get bored.

EDIT: Well by doing almost all "?" I leveled up to 4 and got 4 more skills, that's not insignificant. But my real base problems is more the combat system itself. But if I can translate a part of this problem in resources management I suppose it can soften the problem and more skills should help in doing that.
Post edited April 02, 2016 by Senestoj