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I just fought the cyclops at the distillery and it reminded me, so here we go:

Looks like they screwed up the cyclops hitboxes, because no matter where I roll or how early, my guy ALWAYS gets hit by them.
It's like each arm has a hitbox as big as the whole giant monster!

I tested this in successively further and earlier rolls.
No matter weather I'm a full two geralt body heights back from the giant when he swings... or even directly behind it, it ALWAYS hits.

This is rather irritating and completely unfair! :-(
CDPR need to unscrewup these guys, by making their arm attack hitboxes only a whee bit bigger then the arms!
Post edited October 24, 2015 by ast486
Checked some more creatures and they are also able to hit in completely unrealistic areas.....

Bear can hit with a MOUTH attack while standing beside it's rear leg.

Fiend can hit with antlers in an area approximately 3 times the size of them, including when standing behind it's rear legs.
It also does an instant 360, so you literally cannot stay behind it.

It makes me angry that cdpr did this kind of cheaty shit; it's just immersion ruining! :-E
ast486: I just fought the cyclops at the distillery and it reminded me, so here we go:

Looks like they screwed up the cyclops hitboxes, because no matter where I roll or how early, my guy ALWAYS gets hit by them.
It's like each arm has a hitbox as big as the whole giant monster!

I tested this in successively further and earlier rolls.
No matter weather I'm a full two geralt body heights back from the giant when he swings... or even directly behind it, it ALWAYS hits.

This is rather irritating and completely unfair! :-(
CDPR need to unscrewup these guys, by making their arm attack hitboxes only a whee bit bigger then the arms!
Hi there. This is not the case in my game. Do you have any mods in your game that might be messing with it?
ast486: I just fought the cyclops at the distillery and it reminded me, so here we go:

Looks like they screwed up the cyclops hitboxes, because no matter where I roll or how early, my guy ALWAYS gets hit by them.
It's like each arm has a hitbox as big as the whole giant monster!

I tested this in successively further and earlier rolls.
No matter weather I'm a full two geralt body heights back from the giant when he swings... or even directly behind it, it ALWAYS hits.

This is rather irritating and completely unfair! :-(
CDPR need to unscrewup these guys, by making their arm attack hitboxes only a whee bit bigger then the arms!
CyniclyPink: Hi there. This is not the case in my game. Do you have any mods in your game that might be messing with it?
No mods, other then official ones.
Thanks anyway.

If that doesn't happen in your game, then my only other possible guess is that the game does the actual calculation LONG before it shows it, like some mmos do.
It would explain why I get hit a lot, since my game tends to be laggy in combat. :-s
Post edited November 05, 2015 by ast486
Are you sure you don't have Rend or another perk like that equipped?
Adonai-: Are you sure you don't have Rend or another perk like that equipped?
I have the fast attack special equiped.. but what do those have to do with losing huge health, despite dodging?
Rend doesn't drain health when used.
Ah, I misread your OP, apologies. I'd say your post above mine probably hits the nail on the head though.