scampywiak: Sounds like more pussies can't handle the combat.
It has its issues, but its still way better than TW1.
BlazeKING: Not really..
The atmosphere and music just don't compare to TW1 and neither does the story/ending or gameplay.
And then there is the UI that wasn't made for PC gaming, terrible inventory system, you can't eat or drink, story is shorter etc etc etc...combat is alright but I don't exactly feel like a super mutant when there are delays and other shortcomings
It is better than TW1 was when it first came out but TW1 is definitely superior in its finished product to what TW2 is right now. And I don't think these shortcomings can be fixed because of the console issue, so I don't think TW2 will ever be superior to TW1. TW2 is a fun game don't get me wrong, but it lost its soul and to me has less replay value than TW1.
You are absolutely right it does not compare... actually it does because it is not a world apart (I fail to understand why 90% of the population exhibit dual rating system of I hate / I love with nothing in between). Anyway Witcher 2 is much more mature than Witcher 1 was. The story is also much more realistic and darker than number one was… (this is one of those moments where someone bound to pop up who believes that if a post does not share their opinion, in full, then it must be trolling).
But irrelevant of that once again I wonder why is it that people seem to demand a sequel to the last game they played and enjoyed and spit on the developers (because that is really the only way one can interpret some of the posts) when they try something new with hopes of injecting some originality into the industry. I can only assume it is because they want to turn the gaming industry and the role playing part of it into another Modern Warfare saga where the next thing is the same as the previous one just with "better" graphics and “more” features but zero innovations and early 90ties design principles.
For the love of all that is holy, if you are such a fan of sequel and rehashed stories go and play BioWare game, for they are like Terminator movies made to a template design (someone even made a template graph for it, Google the thing if you must).