k.e.i.n: Patch 1.1 all good for me.
http://forums.guru3d.com/showthread.php?t=345045 65-72fps on 1080p, max all except motion blur and ubersampling. Had to turn on vsync cause anything above 60fps for me is a waste in process also to lessen the load/heat on gpu.
mtdew332: I couldnt install it on my GOG version.
I get "installed game version is invalid or incomplete", i tried both patches at guru3d, same message.
Heck i even ran the patcher.exe in the game folder that always worked b4 and get same message.
I'm guessing its simply because my launcher cannot connect.
If you're not using steam version and have trouble installing patch 1.1 do this:
Uninstall your game.
Do a clean install and apply the day one patch
Make sure there's no old files in your Witcher 2 install folder.
Patch your game up to 1.1 with one of the patches :)
That worked for me .
k.e.i.n: Patch 1.1 all good for me.
http://forums.guru3d.com/showthread.php?t=345045 65-72fps on 1080p, max all except motion blur and ubersampling. Had to turn on vsync cause anything above 60fps for me is a waste in process also to lessen the load/heat on gpu.
BTW, 570GTX @ 1080p max all except motion blur + ubersampling..
Humm... nice performance... I'm with GTX 470 and getting about 30-50 FPS in chapter 1 on 1600x1200 all Max, Vsync on , Uber Sampling off.
Is 570GTX supposed to be that much faster than 470GTX ?