Posted May 28, 2011

the kayran is really easy. pun Quen and ready Yrden. stand right where the kayran is about to land an attack, absorb the attack, place yrden, run away till vigor is regenerated. then do the same again for the most left tentacle. then to the same to the right tentacle. after bridge falls hide behind the pillar. when u feel like it, go left. that's it.
unlike the fight against Letho, which took many tries and a LOT OF LUCK, i dont think i will be willing to fight him again. i am pretty sure that there isnt a fail proof way to kill him. i didnt find a pattern. i just used Aard to prevent him from using his quen and used heavy attacks. but the kayran? that's a really simple boss. a really simple one. there a simple pattern, know what to do. only difficult is figuring this out and understanding where to stand to get hit by each tentacle, and that's not THAT hard.
I give you 4 buttons against a wall, you need to press them in a certain sequence. There are no clues. Every time you press the wrong button, you will die instantly .
See the problem yet? Once you know the sequence it's easy to tell everyone "it's a simple puzzle, really simple one" , but that is not the point. Some will get it within 5 tries, others in 30 , but ultimately it comes down to "trial & error" . There's almost ZERO satisfaction in beating a puzzle like that, knowing there's nothing you could've done "better" other than someone telling you the sequence....